The Olive-Egger thread!

If I cross my Americauna rooster with olive egger hen, will resulting offspring potentially lay blue eggs not olive??
The Olive Egger has the O gene (blue egg) but also brown genes, it will probably be quicker to try introducing Leghorn DNA as they have genes that suppress the browning agents. But if you have a rooster you know is O but has no browning genes that is Americauna then you could try doing crosses to him, back breeding to him several generations until the eggs get bluer and then introduce the Leghorn blood as a way of inhibiting the brown genes.
Any budy know if this olive egger is a rooster hes about 2weeks 6days
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Hi Rich!

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By the time you get to F3, it is often hard to guarantee green for the egg color. Usually, there are a lot of brown or even white eggs.
really cause im not trying they sre f3 and they guy said he hsd balanced they green color they should be avocado color
I have a brinsea mini advanced arriving on Tuesday and these lovelies ready to go in. The dad is a Black Copper Marans so I'm very much looking forward to seeing what color eggs these chicks will eventually produce!

25% of them will likely be brown egg layers but you should get some dark green egg layers!
Nice Palette!
Double yolker on the big one?
What's your OE cross?
What breeds are the other eggs from?

Thanks, haven't cracked them yet to see, she's a cream legbar x french copper marans, I bought the eggs as can't have a cockerel but she hatched from darkish eggs. The other eggs are from sussex and French Copper Black Marans my others are still not back in lay. Her sister hasn't started laying yet but hopefully will join in soon it'll be interesting to see if hers are the same colour but I don't mind really I like all the colours but really prefer a friendly hen and have found that the cream legbar isn't particularly but these two olive eggers seem to be more friendly unless they're just copying the marans who they hatched with and are :)

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