~ The Outcasted II ~ The Return ~ RP

I'm having a horrible weekend. My volleyball team was the best one there... and yet we lost... ???????????? WHYYYYYY?????
and im sick... im so depressed...........
Thats it!! I quit!! Apparently im a dead wieght!! Im sick and tired of being told I'd just get in the way JUST because I didn't join BYC at the time The Outcasted was up!! So, there fore, Mika has been shot in the house in which she was told to stay. She is dead. I will follow the thread because it amuses me but i shall no longer play.
maybe if you make an OUtcasted III ill join as Mika's son or something.
Toro. Was this really neccessary? We're not saying you'd get in the way. Please, just understand that. LL98 and I have careful, tedious plans, and if you find it offensive or annoying, then it might be best not to RP with us. We have owned our own style, which includes dark subject matter, and the occasional spurt of unfairness. If you're not content with that, then I can't stop you from leaving the RP.
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Toro. Was this really neccessary? We're not saying you'd get in the way. Please, just understand that. LL98 and I have careful, tedious plans, and if you find it offensive or annoying, then it might be best not to RP with us. We have owned our own style, which includes dark subject matter, and the occasional spurt of unfairness. If you're not content with that, then I can't stop you from leaving the RP.
I won't side with either side because I don't follow this RP, but in Toro's defense you and LL can be a little unwelcoming to people other then yourselves. I understand that you have plots and everything, I do too with Gerbil and BirdNut on Avalon, but I think Toro just wants to be included in your plans.
No offense meant to anyone. I just felt like you guys really don't need me (not that you do but idk) so i just feel like a deadwieght
That's not what we're doing at all. However, I think the little... whatever you wanna call it was a little uncalled for, it is also a rule on the front page that there shall be no flaming or tantrums in OOC... so.

If you want to leave, I can't stop you. But if you want to stay on this RP, go ahead. It's your decision, I can't stop you either way.
ok its a really good RP but you kinda riuned it for me and it would be a little awkward for me to RP on it now.....
Quote: Scar dodged around the women who had clung to him as soon as the siren went off and the lights had gone out. Mentally cursing, he ran out of the building, jumping over the masses of bodies of people who were huddling together in the darkness. He ducked into a dark alley as soon as he was out, hearing police sirens wailing in the distance.

(Well, bye Toro. Sorry you decided to quit.)

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