The Perfect Farm

I love the dream farm thread...

I bought my dream farm two years ago... I wanted this farm in '86 but no credit, no job, no farm... it came back up for sale and I pounced on it...

33 acres, 1200+ house, carport, storage building, chicken coop, root cellar. 6 acres is pasture land, the balance is wooded.

I have added cats, chickens, a dog, bunnies and goats...
Sounds beautiful I think I will start saving now I want a place in Upstate NY around Essex and lake Champlain or the catskills outside NYC. How much does land cost an acre?
I have my dream farm fortunately.
120 acres in the south, no snow to content with, just great Carolina Blue Sky most of the time. 100 hogs we process, 300 chickens for egg sales, hay, corn, veggie crops, 20 cattle and soon to be more horses cause I just lost my other a while back.

This is where I say I am so thankful for having what I dreamed of as a youngster. Land and dirt and animals. My heaven definitely...but the work load is huge!
but we love the work cause it is part of the lifestyle, but getting older now, whew, I should be dreaming now of farm hands to help..HA HA

follow your dream. you will get there and if it is something you truly want, then do it. make the move, do whatever is necessary to obtain your dream! cause usually nothing stands in the way of your dream but yourself. hang in there and make it happen for you!!!!
Sounds beautiful I think I will start saving now I want a place in Upstate NY around Essex and lake Champlain or the catskills outside NYC. How much does land cost an acre?

Land prices vary greatly with location. Start reading real estate flyers and brochures. A big thing looking at location is taxes... check out the local tax rates at the different locations you are looking at. I love to "shop" real estate... look at pricings and see which way it is going.. I would think in the next year there will be some dramatic swings in pricing...Good Luck!! follow your dream!!
Yes - follow your dreams by all means! It took us 20 years to get here but in Aug 2007 - we realized ours
While not on a ton of land, we have just enough (a bit over 5 acres) - the old farm house (built in 1861 - its on my BYC page) - planted a small dwarf orchard this past spring ( 3 apple, 3 pear, 1 peach and a cherry tree), plus we have the original grape vines from 1861 still on site (concords no less!) along with blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and elderberries. We also planted more grapes (seedless concords and white) along with more blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. Our garden is now almost double the size it was last spring (just enlarged it) and we plant all types of veggies in it, including corn and melons. We also planted in Oct 2007 109 Leyland Cypress to create a natural fence line between the neighbors and ourselves. Its what would have been done back then (natural fences) and we didnt want to use boxwoods (although we do have them as well and they are old as the hills).

When the pond is redone in the next few years, we will stock it and use it for food as well. It is a natural spring fed pond and we have the spring rolling through the property on the wood side.

We have the 6 chickens - who are our pets and provide eggs for us, we will never eat them. Hubby wants a cow, however it would turn into another pet
so we'll purchase meat from a friend who raises Angus and do it that way.

I love it here - wouldnt change it for the world. Our little slice of heaven!
Mine would be a nice sized log cabin, somewhere partially remote (like somewhere out west, but not too cut off from civilization), a WARN CLIMATE, lots of chicken breeds with seperate pens for each breed, a few beef cows, some call ducks, and maybe some alpacas.
Mine is an old white farm house, wrap around porch, tin roof. I want a pond that somehow, I can keep wood ducks and beavers. Yes, I know beavers can be destructive but they need a place too. I want enough land for some pasture and lots of woods. Lots of chickens, my goaties and maybe a horse for my DD. A nice garden too. I found it about 10 years ago. We weren't in the market for a new house back then. It was perfect. Someone bought it and turned it into a subdivision, made me sick.

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