The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Wow, they are beautiful. Quite a bit more black than the females have. You still have all five roosters? Do you have fertilized eggs right now?
Just the one now. I kept one that was a bit lighter. I also have more hens as well.
I have a pair that hatched for the Halloween hal.
I got the fertilized eggs today, 10 of them. Put them under the broody PP, February 1. Wish me at least one rooster this time :D

Question - does a broody hen usually continue to lay eggs while she's sitting? Staggered hatch is no problem?
Mark your eggs and take out any new ones. You don’t want a staggered hatch for a broody. Do you mind me asking what the price was for your eggs?
Here’s the rooster I kept.
Mark your eggs and take out any new ones. You don’t want a staggered hatch for a broody. Do you mind me asking what the price was for your eggs?
I did just that (marked) - When we initially put her in the greenhouse Friday, we put the 13 we found under her. When I removed the old eggs tonight, she had 16. So she has laid an egg a day, I didn't realize they did that when broody?

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