The Pita Pinta Asturiana

I did just that (marked) - When we initially put her in the greenhouse Friday, we put the 13 we found under her. When I removed the old eggs tonight, she had 16. So she has laid an egg a day, I didn't realize they did that when broody?
The hen will normally lay and egg a day until she feels she has enough. Then she will actually start sitting. They don’t start sitting until they are done laying. BUT another hen could come along and lay an egg in her clutch. Remove that if it happens. Good luck. I got some pita pintas eggs from a guy is Antioch. I had a good hatch rate. He no longer has them.
I tried 2 different Pinta roosters (one at a time), they were mean as heck. :(
I just have my Pinta hens now... so no breeding for me.
Bummer I won’t breed a mean rooster but I don’t getup in their face either. I give them a chance to back off. I also don5 threaten their hens. I don’t try and make a pet out of them either.
The hen will normally lay and egg a day until she feels she has enough. Then she will actually start sitting. They don’t start sitting until they are done laying. BUT another hen could come along and lay an egg in her clutch. Remove that if it happens. Good luck. I got some pita pintas eggs from a guy is Antioch. I had a good hatch rate. He no longer has them.
Thanks for your knowledge, very helpful! She's alone out in the greenhouse. I never incorporated my PP's with the older girls in the big coop. They have a smaller pen and free range during the day. But that day is coming, I've seen a hawk around lately and it's just a matter of time before I lose one.

Brice @Sunbird Farms has been great to deal with. My first batch were shipped and did well.

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