The Pita Pinta Asturiana

Thanks for your knowledge, very helpful! She's alone out in the greenhouse. I never incorporated my PP's with the older girls in the big coop. They have a smaller pen and free range during the day. But that day is coming, I've seen a hawk around lately and it's just a matter of time before I lose one.

Brice @Sunbird Farms has been great to deal with. My first batch were shipped and did well.
Have always had good results from Brice and his eggs. Several varieties.
Thanks for your knowledge, very helpful! She's alone out in the greenhouse. I never incorporated my PP's with the older girls in the big coop. They have a smaller pen and free range during the day. But that day is coming, I've seen a hawk around lately and it's just a matter of time before I lose one.

Brice @Sunbird Farms has been great to deal with. My first batch were shipped and did well.
Thank you. Happy to help. She must of layed the egg, eh?
Do you have an incubator in case she doesn’t stay on the eggs? Is she a proven hen, ie has she raised her own chicks before.
Thank you. Happy to help. She must of layed the egg, eh?
Do you have an incubator in case she doesn’t stay on the eggs? Is she a proven hen, ie has she raised her own chicks before.
I do have an incubator for plan B. She's only 8 months old, so this is highly experimental. So far she's stayed on the nest except for a few minutes during the day. We relocated her from our neighbor's house where she was sitting on Friday, so far so good.

When she comes off the nest for those few minutes it's hysterical. She bolts out of the greenhouse at 9-0, screaming a song. Skids around the corner (literally) and runs to the sandbox. Furiously digs, then runs back to the waterer. Drinks for a bit then back to the nest. Does the same thing each time, lol.
Ohhh, pictures please. I love seeing the differences in color splotches.

She was visiting me by my kitchen window yesterday, so I took a fast picture of her. :D

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