The places I find eggs


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 9, 2012
Atascadero, CA
We had our first bit of rain for the season Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. When the weather gets bad I leave the door open to the garage so my dog can get out of the weather. She refuses to use the very elaborate dog house a dear friend made for her.
My husband and I were using the break in the weather to clean up the porch and garage areas today. As I start picking up all the dog bedding (how many blankets can one dog need?!) eggs start rolling out. I ended up finding a total of 3 eggs! Apparently the pile of blankets was a much cozier place to lay eggs than out in the coop. Silly girls... Feel free to share the odd places you find your eggs.
Our chickens are free range in our garden, a few weeks ago 2 of our chickens disappeared and we didn't see than at all for over a week. We assumed that a fox had unfortunately been in, but a day later they both appeared so I was determined to see where they had been going. I sat and watched them for a good while until I saw them just onto the bin, onto the fence and then onto our neighbors conservatory. I got some ladders out to have a look what they had been doing and when I looked they had both made a nest each and were at on 12 eggs each. Was very funny as we hadn't even missed that many egg and who know how the neighbors hasn't heard them on the roof haha

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