The Plymouth Rock Breeders thread

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There's not much worse than dogs. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Many of us have had the same issues and had to overcome. Work this fancy long enough and we all, all of us, bear the scars of predation with the anger and sense of loss. We simply cannot always afford the risk of pasturing to the extent we'd wish. Predation comes with the territory. I hope you find the electric fencing to be of help. Again, so sorry to hear.

If there's anything I can do, drop me a private message and we'll chat off line.
I got enough of the stuff to be able to pasture them 1/2 an acre. The other half is for the goats. Only really taking away a small piece of our grass.

Hopefully it goes in easily. Our lot is quite rocky, so I'm dreading putting it in - but it will keep OUR dogs in and the chickens as well. I can't believe I will be able to let my dogs outside without fear of them getting hit by a car... That is going to save a lot of time! Our dogs are runners. They are very good with the chickens though. Our big BMD chased off the fox once so far.

That dog so senselessly killed. Nothing like coming home to bodies all over the yard. It had to be our new neighbours who have a husky. I don't want to blame them, because we don't have proof.. But it was a dog. What else kills that many at once and leaves them? No marks.. And on free range. Got a big rabbit too, plus we can't find our cat who went missing the same time. :(

Anyway. Sorry for veering off track. I am really, really glad it did not get my now breeding birds. I can hatch more. I am hatching more now. Despite 4/14 of my Barred Plymouth Rocks trying to set on me. They have been moved to the broody breaker.

Nice to see they still have the instinct though. I did try to let them hatch, but there are too many at once. They squished the chicks.
A picture of a 12 week old Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock pullet that I'm looking forward to seeing fill out. :)

This is the pullet from the rear. Shes' as wide at the back as she is the front. She wasn't for sale.

I must have had 7 K's all with this same look. This fellow "won" by default. He was simply the last K standing. LOL It didn't bother me. Same k as shown in the pair photo above. Nothing special, but he'll do as a backup to the older cockbirds.

I have my juveniles under lock and key right now. A dog killed 37, and a fox is being trouble right now. Electric netting will be here NEXT weekend. I wish I had of bought it months ago. I did put the killed birds through insurance. I have insurance on every animal.. It is a life saver.

As for the yellow, I did find once I put them on grass it improved. I haven't had these guys on actual forage. I do give them grass clippings. My layer flock is only allowed out right now when we are home... Shameful.. I never had this problem until this summer.

37 beautiful breeding keeper juveniles (well at least made it through quite a few cuts!). These were MY keepers! All those beautiful big headed Barred Plymouth Rock girls were killed. My Marans were killed. I drove forever to get the Marans.. I still feel sick.

The electric netting should keep them safe from ground predators. We have lots of cover for hawk protection. Honestly the hawks are so small they only get the weak or really small. I'm not too worried about that.. and it's only during migration they are around.

I lost an entire flock this way. It does make one physically sick!! But you are doing what needs to be done to prevent it from happening again Thank goodness you still have some that did not fall prey. I know exactly how you are feeling right now.....
I lost an entire flock this way. It does make one physically sick!! But you are doing what needs to be done to prevent it from happening again Thank goodness you still have some that did not fall prey. I know exactly how you are feeling right now.....
Thanks. The fox has not been back since I last posted. I have been keeping everyone in unless we are home. When we are home, the windows are open and if we hear any unusual sounds (the egg song is our cue to check!) and a period of silence with no crowing for over two minutes we check too. We have a lot of boys. Crowing is frequent. When the fox has been around they fall silent until it is safe - or like Gatsby - my backup Barred Plymouth Rock cock - they stand near the wood line and egg song.

One more week until fencing.

I am still breeding and hatching. I must hatch enough for myself and then we will be done. I can't have new chicks in October. I have put my foot down lol
Had a hen go broody a few weeks ago, but I wasn't saving BR eggs for incubation anymore. On a lark I took 5 out of the fridge to give her and they all hatched! They weren't older than a week, but no turning, cooler temps, etc. Pleasantly surprised. Vigorous little buggers. :)
I cannit wait to get some rocks from fred once this hot weather settles. seems like no one in florida breeds barred rocks :(
I have a question for you genetics guys out there. I imported some silver pencilled eggs in may now about half of the males hatched are developing a very poor columbian pattern with some with red in the wings. hackles are blurry compared to true columbians. I talked to the person I imported the eggs from and he is seeing the same thing only not as high of a percentage. He has had sppr for 20 years and has never seen this before at all. To recap these are all males and some even have rose combs. My best guess is it a throw back to something a long time ago. The other question is this has left me short on the males I have to choose from would anyone use these off coloured males is the type was extraordinary. Any thoughts on this?
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