The processor found..... UPDATE!!!! LINK IN FIRST POST!

STOP pulling our arm, we want to see.

If you pull our arm any longer we'll all look like Stretch Armstrong!

My son thinks I need to be surgically removed from the computer.

Its my fault , I said earlier today that your batteries were dead !

OOPs guess what I said was, You were looking for batteries for you camera !
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Wouldn't that have been cool!

Barbie's Arm.... all the way to the armpit? to the elbow? was the hand still intact? Was there any necrosis?

Or was it Ken's arm... I heard that Barbie had a chainsaw accessory.... you know, Outdoor Woodsgirl Barbie?

I can't believe I just read this entire thread.

Nifty used to have a pic that had people holding up signs saying, "This thread is worthless without pics!"

Now would be the appropriate time to use it.
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I wonder if there is a kid in the neighborhood wondering who took their doll's arm? *hee hee*

PineBurrowPeeps - THIS is such a funny thread!!!!
Oh my all had WAY TOO MUCH FUN yesterday!

well.... I guess it's time to start watching this thread again for the newly found arm.
I was really hoping the pictures would be here this morning...
You all had me in stitches last night!
Whew!! I needed a good laugh!

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