The processor found..... UPDATE!!!! LINK IN FIRST POST!

I think that Jenna was dealing with a problem at the end of last week. I know she was freaking out.

Just give her time to get that taken care of and be patient.

I'm sure she will post the pixs as soon as she can.

She did give us much to laugh about
Yea but today she's been posting all over the place on here. She could post and just say.. my camera isnt working or something... kinda weird after all the hype.
Ok, maybe it was just something really embarrassing and personal so she made up the arm story. I say we find her processor, call them up and interview them for BYC, then ask them innocently "So what's the strangest thing you've ever found inside a chicken."

Nah, it would have been to easy to take a picture of a doll arm. I guess posting the pic just isn't the highest on her priority list.
I think it is very strange!
She was on BYC a bit, posting, earlier....calling PineBurrowPeeps! Calling PineBurrowPeeps! What happened to our picture???
I think her nomination of best thread of the summer should be changed to "biggest hype thread that fizzled "

Come on Jenna... post ! Or did another chicken eat the arm so you can't post it??


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