The Pullets' First Encounter with Snow!


Fuzzy Feather Fanatic
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Jun 9, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
It's coming...


...It's here!!

Run, Frou-frou, run!! Escape the white plague!


Biddy glares accusingly. "This is your fault, I just know it."


Poggy doesn't think it's so bad. "Look, I blend in!"


And the partridge Rocks..?

...They're not coming out until next spring. (SWSSU says, "If this is a joke, it's not funny." And Fancy's not even going to show her face.)


Lucky for them, it's already melted off. :lol:
Cute photos!
Thanks to a fast arriving and angry storm we had here in Alberta, my pulletts were intorduced to snow in a much more severe way. It went from green grassy run to Hip High on a Human snow drifts in their run OVERNIGHT! After I shoveled out a path and pecking area for them, I opened the Coopd door to let them investigate and WOW were they offended! They didnt leave the coop until close to nightfall,and then only for a short time. by the next day when the snow had partially melted they became brave enough to come outside, but wouldnt venture very far and would do nimble acrobratics to get around while touching as little snow as possible with their feet. Eventually I had to lay down playwood boardwalks through out the run so they could get ot the outdoor waterer and other areas of the run. Silly hens!!!!
I can't wait for it to snow here. I'm gonna flood BYC with Stan in the Snow photos!

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