The Queens Have Conceded ...


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
... That the current weather is not necessarily conducive to sleeping in their favorite spot, up on the diagonal brace right against the vent.

Victoria and Maria Theresa, my SLWs, scorn the common roost as the queens they are and prefer to sleep higher, up on the diagonal brace.

Tonight they have decided that, despite the near 4 feet of roof overhang which prevents all rain and most wind from reaching the actual vent, it's too unpleasant to sleep just there in their usual spot.

So they've moved up the brace about 2 feet.

Naturally, I have no photos because I didn't take my phone out to the coop in the deluge of rain because I didn't want it to get wet. :D

I've had POL pullets on the diagonal brace before, but I've never had one, much less two, who continued to sleep up there after they got closer to full size and started laying. :D
I'd love to see one of your illustrations of their Royal Highnesses!

Here they are, up in their normal spot -- right next to the vent. They do not in any way care about that "comb below the level of the ventilation for roosting" thing.



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