Welp, with the beginning of spring the rats are trying to move back into my chicken coop once again as they do every year. Normally in the past, we've had to resort to your traditional rat-traps to get rid of the adults and then catching the baby ones and disposing of them ourselves. We plan on completely sealing off the sides of the coop, but unfortunately, we don't have the time to do it at the moment so I'm looking for any other suggestions for keeping them away?
Currently, they're not permanent 'residents' just yet, so I'd really appreciate any ideas or experience people may have when it comes to deterring them. We're removing the feed every night so they don't have any food and I've been chasing them off when I go out to lock the chickens away, but because they're able to hide down the side of the run my dog can't catch them because she's far too large to fit in there.
Thank you all in advance <3
Currently, they're not permanent 'residents' just yet, so I'd really appreciate any ideas or experience people may have when it comes to deterring them. We're removing the feed every night so they don't have any food and I've been chasing them off when I go out to lock the chickens away, but because they're able to hide down the side of the run my dog can't catch them because she's far too large to fit in there.
Thank you all in advance <3