The RE-Build of Les Farms

Holy MOLY! How'd that pup get that big?
He grew so much... they do grow fast, don't they? :)
Yes Henry grew so fast, and seems to change by the hour!

He does very well with the chickens thus far. At this age Clementine was all over them playing.

Oh and Daisy Mae was indeed pregnant. She just had 5 little ones. All healthy and (cute?) lol.

I think they are cute, but this is the ugliest they will be I'm sure.

The dad is an angora rabbit. Wonder what they will look like..
I just read about your barn fire and terrible losses tonight, and have spent several hours reading through this and the other thread (still haven't finished the other yet, with all of the good advice written by you and others). You have my deepest sympathy. I am still tearing up thinking about how much pain this must have caused you, and probably still does at times.

You are rebuilding in such a lovely way, with some sons and daughters of your beloved lost ones, and new loved ones like the most handsome Henry, beautiful Daisy Mae and her kits, and the adorable goats. Your devotion to the furry and feathered ones comes through clearly, and you seem to be quite a wonderful person.

I wish you well!
I just read about your barn fire and terrible losses tonight, and have spent several hours reading through this and the other thread (still haven't finished the other yet, with all of the good advice written by you and others). You have my deepest sympathy. I am still tearing up thinking about how much pain this must have caused you, and probably still does at times.

You are rebuilding in such a lovely way, with some sons and daughters of your beloved lost ones, and new loved ones like the most handsome Henry, beautiful Daisy Mae and her kits, and the adorable goats. Your devotion to the furry and feathered ones comes through clearly, and you seem to be quite a wonderful person.

I wish you well!
Thank you so much.

All the support is really heart warming.

Some days are better than others. I'm just looking forward to moving forward. I am very lucky to have those sons and daughters. Especially since I came so close to moving them to the barn the same night as the fire. Just blows my mind!

Speaking of Daisy Mae's kits.. here are some 1 week old update shots. :)
Thank you so much.

All the support is really heart warming.

Some days are better than others. I'm just looking forward to moving forward. I am very lucky to have those sons and daughters. Especially since I came so close to moving them to the barn the same night as the fire. Just blows my mind!

Speaking of Daisy Mae's kits.. here are some 1 week old update shots. :)

They are so cute!
I used to post pictures like crazy on here. I'll be starting that again as the weather warms up. Here are some recent shots. The flock is free ranging so I can take better pictures.

Rooster Boy - I can't figure out a name for him so I am stealing LM's name for her boy ;)
If any are not going to be kept - it's him. He is bossy with the others, but not so with us. He is a teenaged boy after all. Thing is, he would have very little meat on him and wouldn't be worth the job alone. If he gets to be too much for everyone, I will process when I process my meat birds this summer.

Gertrude checking to see if the crows are gone.


Gertie again

Nora... about the tiniest chicken ever (at least that I've seen ;) She is smaller than some Japanese bantams and sebrights I've seen in show! She is the cutest little thing. 20 weeks old now!

Phoenix - 15 weeks. Already calling girls to tidbits he finds

Tina - 14 weeks - she is really funny to watch. A very good forager.

Even Stony complemented her good appearance. He must not have known she was 1/2 silkie ;)

One of the 5 bunny kits at 1 week old. Their cuteness kills me!

Another one...

Henry - for those of you who don't follow us on FB, he is getting huge!

But is sooooo good with the chickens.

BDM, Please feel free to use the above picture if you ever to a piece on LGDs.

Nora again.

You can really see how tiny Nora is here. She is 2 weeks older than Doc Holiday - the silkie on the right. The one in the middle is 6 weeks younger than her.

Hope - a surprisingly distant forager. She does not mind being alone to her own devices and is always the last one in for the night. I have seen her call her friends to tidbits as well. She is hilarious.. you should see her afro bob when she runs

Lucy - Barred Naked Neck, and my favourite of the basement babies. She loves standing on my boots, and once I have her in my grasp, she loves to sit on my lap and preen herself. She is also squatting, so I think we should be seeing eggs again relatively quickly! Go Lucy!!

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