The "Reason for the Season"

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Why should I expect someone to respect my reasons to celebrate
something, if I failed to respect their reasons to celebrate whatever they
choose to celebrate?

Let each of us call it as we will.
spookwriter, sourland, mom'sfolly .........

You three rock
Or maybe just the "hate"?

Heathen is not a bad word.
R u serious? "Heathens"? And, umm... maybe its the endorsement of one religion by the gov't that they "hate" as opposed to the "little baby and what he represents'. It is after all, supposed to be a country without an official religion.
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BYCer is a slur? When did this happen?

Everybody, please keep it nice or the thread will be closed.
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BYCer is a slur? When did this happen?

Everybody, please keep it nice or the thread will be closed.

A lot of people make fun of BYCer's on other forums, though common on this forum the majority of chicken breeders as a whole think it is funny and rediculous to spend thousands of dollars fixing a coop up for 4 chickens, putting diapers on them, breeding birds that should be culled, etc.

I've been guilty a few times of making fun of some things I've seen on BYC, I'll admit. Now I couldn't careless as I've aged some, I raise my birds the way I raise them for reasons I have. I believe what I believe for reasons known to me. You are welcome to do as you wish, however I would appreciate it greatly if I was given the same rights. Some people seem to think it is cruel to not supply your birds with a heater, or spend 3,000 dollars per breeding pair pen; which would mean I'd have to spend about 30,000 dollars+. I'll pass

God bless,

ETA: Then of course there is the definition of Slur given below.
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Backyard Chicken Member= pronounced properly

BYCer= pronounced improperly

One of the definitions of "slur" is mispronunciation. The word heathen has been around forever and is used frequently in other parts of the world. Not to get side tracked from the topic but just saying it is not a bad word in a worldly context. There are many examples of words used in other countries that have a negative connotation here in America.
In my youth my christian friends would call each other heathens or infidels as a joke among each other but we had an understanding of what the words meant and did not take it serious, which is how I read the post by Royd as... geesh!
BYCer is a slur? When did this happen?

Everybody, please keep it nice or the thread will be closed.

A lot of people make fun of BYCer's on other forums, though common on this forum the majority of chicken breeders as a whole think it is funny and rediculous to spend thousands of dollars fixing a coop up for 4 chickens, putting diapers on them, breeding birds that should be culled, etc.

I've been guilty a few times of making fun of some things I've seen on BYC, I'll admit. Now I could careless as I've aged some, I raise my birds the way I raise them for reasons I have. I believe what I believe for reasons known to me. You are welcome to do as you wish

God bless,
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