The "Reason for the Season"

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Good post DT, but understand that in order for that to happen, Christmas would not be able to stay on as a federal holiday (ie. you will have to put in for time off and not get holiday pay, as people of other religions must.
I think the origin of the conflict here is in the wording of the phrase. I find that when people express their opinion with absolute terminology, it gets people with different opinions angry.

Perhaps instead of saying something like "Jesus is THE reason for the season", people should say "Jesus is MY reason for the season." Take ownership of your opinion, rather than stating it as an absolute. If I saw bumper stickers like the second phrase, I'd smile, because it means someone found a reason to be happy. But bumper stickers like the first phrase come off as telling me what to do -- what MY reason SHOULD be, because there is only ONE.

Does anyone else understand what I'm trying to say? I need coffee......
All the more reason to choose your religion wisely. I for one do not see that word that way although it is used that way by some. Dog is another word used in a derogatory fashion but also descibes an animal. I have found that the insulting part is when I resemble that remark but if I feel I do not resemble that remark then it is of no consequence to me, I suppose I could be more sensitive when using them admittedly but as of yet heathen does not rank up there with the more popular PC words, I could be wrong as I do not get out much anymore.

I do! Mind if I steal that phrase? I love it!

Please do. I'm just glad I managed to translate my thought into text.


Hi Aqua!
Does anyone else understand what I'm trying to say?

Seemed clear to me. Enjoy your way of life rather than looking at everything as an 'us' versus 'them' mentality, with whatever team you are playing on being the only 'right' one to follow? That is, if you want to be an example of tolerance and peace.​
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