The "Reason for the Season"

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Haha, the heathen comment is a word that can get tossed around amongst Christians as a joke. I've heard it a few times, and have used it some. But I never use it in a serious manner, and would not call a unbeliever/non-Christian (typically) a heathen due to it in general being seen as a insulting word. For that reason, I don't use it because it can be taken in a insulting way by others.

On topic of the thread though, I am someone who knew the history typically of Christmas and that it wasn't specifically the birth of Christ. I am pretty much for keeping Christ in Christmas, as it is Christmas. If you're another religion then you're welcome to call the season by what you wish, be it Hannukkah or whatever. I personally see Christmas, as that is what it is called.

From what I recall (I'd have to look it up again to be sure, so take this with a grain of salt), the term "heathen" was used to describe people who didn't convert to Christianity. The religion spread through Europe first through cities. Then as now, people in the more rural areas tended to be more conservative, and thus more resistant to change and conversion -- they held strongly to their traditional beliefs, which happened to be non-Christian.

"Heathen" comes from "heath" and "heather" -- plants that abounded in the non- or less-forested wilder areas of Europe, especially in the British Isles. Many of the people who were resistant to converting to Christianity lived out in the "heath lands" and were referred to as "heathens" in a sort of "country-folk" kind of way. When much of the "city-folk" population had converted to Christianity, the term "heathen" was also applied to those "country-folk" who weren't moving with the times, which, back then, meant converting to Christianity.

Though I guess you could also say "Jesus is MY reason for the season" and mean basically the same thing. I guess whichever sounds more comfortable.

Now I'm debating myself.....

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Nope...Spook is no longer an official BYCer. As said in another
post, I traded my chickens for some homemade apple pies.

So I am just a BYer...backyarder.

The part I enjoy most about Christmas is the being with my family.
That's probably true for most of us.

My least liked part is the gifts. Not the giving, but the gifts. I feel that
we should give to each other every day. Give things that matter.

Give a smile, kind words, or maybe a listening ear.

Whatever faith you be, those are things that we can all use a little more

Though I guess you could also say "Jesus is MY reason for the season" and mean basically the same thing. I guess whichever sounds more comfortable.

Now I'm debating myself.....


Nope. I misquoted you. I think I have it now.
I'll be hanging it on our church sign this week. Thanks!
Regarding the term "heathens," a lot of groups who practice Asatru refer to themselves as heathens. I've participated in quite a few Blots and this term was used frequently.
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Though I guess you could also say "Jesus is MY reason for the season" and mean basically the same thing. I guess whichever sounds more comfortable.

Now I'm debating myself.....


Nope. I misquoted you. I think I have it now.
I'll be hanging it on our church sign this week. Thanks!


My brain is kinda fried from finals and papers. I don't know what I said ten minutes ago without it being written down.

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I know that I (and other atheists I know) refer to myself as heathen in jest, rather than in any serious way. But since I recieved most of my higher education at a Catholic University (and where my beliefs went from nonpracticing Lutheran to Atheist, surprisingly!) I have been called heathen in a way that someone was trying to be insulting (just another day in theology classes where I tried to provide a different viewpoint, whee!). It is the manner in which it is used that makes it an insult or not
My husband calls my unruly inside cats the “heathens” when he releases them from their kitty room every morning.
Yep, people call me 'heathen' both in a joking way, in an ironic way, and also as an insult. Similar to the word 'punk'. XD 'Non-believer' can also be considered insulting by some because it is a term used by a group A to define group B, but in a way that only refers to them in relation to group A rather than as a truly separate group. It isn't what group B typically refers to themselves as. Heathen seems similar. As does savage, babarian, etc. That's my understanding of it at least.
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