~*~The Rebellion - RP~*~

Eric rushed to Chelly's side after a few minutes, followed by a 15ft tall, four armed, green creature. It was Austin, in the form of a Thark.

(Look up a Thark to see what they look like.)
Austin fired at the Power with four AK-47s, while Eric threw several grenades into the thick of the enemy soldiers.
(( GTG for a bit. ))

Chelly seemed to prevent bullets from hitting her or Eric, and as the warcraft advanced, she cried: "Everybody down!"

She shook a little as she raised her hand, turned her head, and fired at the cockpit. It, rigged with explosives, blew up, and the warcraft went down. Chelly opened her eyes to see what she'd done.

Eric and Austin hit the ground just as the warcraft exploded. Eric muttered a curse as Austin murmured, "Great Issus..."
The blast had taken much of Chelly's energy, and she staggered to one side, gritting her teeth. She looked back up and fired several more projectiles at the scorpion gunships, she was determined until the end. She saw Zephyr in one ship, and his look was pleading, she bared her teeth in a snarl, and, using the very last of her energy, fired a glowing black projectile at it. It fell to the side, slamming into another, and Chelly passed out from exhaustion.

Neytiri rushed to Chelly's side, kneeling beside her. She finished off the rest of the scorpions with powerful blows of insanely strong energy levels and dark magic. "That should do it for the scorpions, you two finish the soldiers. I've gotta help Chelly."

Neytiri helped Chelly to her feet, and lead her toward her and Austin's cabin.
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