The "refrigerator egg" thread

One was from Food Lion and one was from Wal-mart!
Wow, that's really odd!
I don't mind opening an egg and seeing an embryo, knowing it won't be making an omelet today. But when large chain stores get eggs like that, it makes me think someone "contaminated" the carton along the way and/or switched eggs out! And the thought of THAT is gross!
Today DW and I set some Trader Joe fertilized eggs just for fun to see what would happen. With any luck we will get a few, hw's that for fridge eggs?
@ gimme birdies: WOW hadn't thought of sadistic weirdos doing weird junk like that, but it does. Yuck!


My refrigerator eggs continue to develop just fine :)
Anticipate a 2/26 hatch date for the first refrigerator one. Then I have one fresh laid hatching on 2/28
And 4 hatching on 3/7. 2 of those are refrigerator eggs and developing just fine as well
I'm watching the other thread closely, waiting to see your progress on the chick due in TWO DAYS!
Wow, that's really odd!
I don't mind opening an egg and seeing an embryo, knowing it won't be making an omelet today. But when large chain stores get eggs like that, it makes me think someone "contaminated" the carton along the way and/or switched eggs out! And the thought of THAT is gross!
I could see that if I lived in an area that has a lot of animal nuts but I don't. With one of the eggs, I got the carton just as it was being put out too. Anyway, I live an area that laughs at the various protesters for being morons and such. Not likely to happen here.
LT all seems well with my lil chick an I am so excited! Just worried that I am moving it too much in these last days. How will I know when it internally pips???

Candling, and chirping :)
Also, they make a click sound when they breathe, but you can't really hear that unless it's against your ear. It almost sounds like they are lightly tapping the inside of the shell.
Well, I just proved it's true, once again! Refrigerated eggs CAN be removed later and still develop and hatch! I'm only on day 5 (instead of 7), but they are ALL showing blood vessels! I even photos to show you!

The first photo is blurry and is taken with an older phone's camera. The second photo is much clearer. But you should be able to see the "17R" that I wrote on both of them to indicate they are due on the 17th, and they are Refrigerator eggs! They all spent about two weeks in the refrigerator prior to being placed in the incubator.

And the refrigerator here is always about 34 degrees.

I'll try to keep getting more photos as they progress in development. But it's easy to see the blood vessels here, and the developing embryo in the center!

In other good news, the bantam frizzle cochin that was taking up the incubator is giving me a 100% hatch-rate! Every last egg in there is showing development, and so far I have gotten six chicks out of six eggs due. Still MANY more to go between now and the 17th (when the last eggs are due) but so far everything looks good!

Very neat!

What did you use to have light come through the egg?

This is new territory for me. We want to incubate our eggs, but don't know how to tell if they are fertile or not.


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