The Rhodebar thread!

well that is what many people do... but most of the time I have friends or other people that want them... Just this past friday I got rid of a Hampbar male I did not need.... gave him to another breeder... I gave him away because he had a crooked toe... that in itself might not mean anything many ways to get that... but that is just how I cull .... if you no longer have them you can not be temped to use them later... for me they are ALL pretty.... but that is no reason to keep them...if you breed them correctly they will be not just pretty... but complete and beautiful.....

The Marek's vaccine does not create immunity, merely inhibits the growth of the tumors. Birds can still be infected, become carriers, and die from the disease even if vaccinated.

Completely understand. I still get the flu even when I get the vaccine.
He has improved from when I found him been up on his feet & seems alert, but he still gets off balance easy. Fingers crossed he makes a quick recovery.
yes that is correct if the Rhodebar is good... you would get good females.. but the males would not be... males need two copies of the barring gene... with a Rhodebar male over RIR females... you would get males that carry only one copy.. and would not breed true....

Actually wouldn't you want to breed the barred hens back to the Rhodebar male. That way you should have about 50% pure Rhodebar and the other 50% still carrying the Wheaten?

The first cross would all have Wheaten gene eWh/e+ and the backcross would give you 50% eWh/e+ and 50% e+/e+.
Hi hope are doing great...

Makomd.. have you done much research on the breeding of Autosexing breeds... ? Any back ground reading on them ? Studied the methods of Punnett and Peace... ?

have a great one!!!!!!

Actually wouldn't you want to breed the barred hens back to the Rhodebar male. That way you should have about 50% pure Rhodebar and the other 50% still carrying the Wheaten?

The first cross would all have Wheaten gene eWh/e+ and the backcross would give you 50% eWh/e+ and 50% e+/e+.
How are the eWh/e+ identified from the e+/e+ on the backcross? The e+/e+would be the pure rhodebar?
Hey rc

I read everything I can find on the topic of auto-sexing breeds, but I am willing to read anymore that is made available. Rather than rely just on what is written by others, as none of it seems first hand, I have taken it upon myself to study the genetics behind it, rather than waste another year on breeding and feeding birds that will never meet the end result, can't use two apples to make an orange.

I am currently working on 2 auto-sexing projects both utilizing double barring, but the e locus is eb for one and e+ for the other. I may restart on the eb project though because I started with hatchery stock and have quality heritage chicks coming should be easier to maintain type.


Well if you have the roo, you have every gene you need in him. I had six eggs and 4 hatched 1 boy and 3 girls, honestly would have preferred 3 boys and 1 girl for this one time. Good luck with the girls
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