The Rhodebar thread!

We love pictures. Welcome to BYC and the Rhodebar thread.

Here is the only picture I have of them as chicks. I wasn't as enthusiastic then as I am now, otherwise I'd have many more, and much closer up too. The black ones are BR birds, so you can disregard those.

Like I mentioned previously: "I purchased 2 dozen fertile eggs from This Lady, she said she got hers from, and that those were from Green Fire stock." The eggs were brownish in color, so I have that going for me.

I will use my good camera in a few days to snap pictures of what they look like now, at a little over 15 weeks.

All that being said..... @nicalandia, please pick them apart with your genetic expertise!
Would a Co/co+ bird look like a Rhodebar? Would there be any way to visually tell a Co/co+ vs Co/Co in a Rhodebar?

Co is a incompletely dominant gene and in e+/e+ females have a minimal effect, those females would look almost wildtype looking(salmon breast)

here a CLx RIR cross, this is how I would expect a e+/e+ Co/co+ females should look like..

Just got my first pullet egg from a CLBxRIR cross. The pullet on the left is the one that laid this egg. By looking at the OAC chart, this egg comes in as an OAC 60, a very light green.

Ok I need some input please. How does this roo look to you guys?

Greenfire and johnathan burton line. He was a cross between the two.
OK Marvin... and others...
So far 17 of the 20 eggs have hatched.
These are F1 chicks... a Rhodebar cock over HRIR hens.
I snapped this pic of the first group I took from the bator and haven't really had a chance to look too closely, but wanted to know what you see here... interesting mix... as you can tell some have chipmunk stripes.
The ones that don't look chipmunk, really look like my HRIR when they first hatch.
I can't really say they are much "darker" than they appear here, but they are more "red" if that makes sense.
IOW, the flash is washing them out some but not much.
I plan to put them into "categories" and mark them with different color leg bands.
I am curious what your recommendations would be with the ones you see as to how you would track them?

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OK Marvin... and others...
So far 17 of the 20 eggs have hatched.
These are F1 chicks... a Rhodebar cock over HRIR hens.
I snapped this pic of the first group I took from the bator and haven't really had a chance to look too closely, but wanted to know what you see here... interesting mix... as you can tell some have chipmunk stripes.
The ones that don't look chipmunk, really look like my HRIR when they first hatch.
I can't really say they are much "darker" than they appear here, but they are more "red" if that makes sense.
IOW, the flash is washing them out some but not much.
I plan to put them into "categories" and mark them with different color leg bands.
I am curious what your recommendations would be with the ones you see as to how you would track them?

Good question. My first hatch (8) I am only keeping my darkest chipmunk striped chicks. My next batch are on lockdown now and am excited to see what I get. Your chicks look very much like mine did at hatch.

Now another question I have, since I really want to imprint the HRIR qualities in this line, can I breed F1 to F1, or when I switch out hens breed these first F1's with the new hens F1's, or do another straight breeding to the HRIR, to get the best results? I know I am jumping the gun here but my space is limited so I really have to cull hard from the start.

Penny, I'm not so sure we should discount the non striped chicks too quickly. Some of those will be single barred males with better type.
Yes they are only single barred but... crossing a nice single barred male back to HRIR hens would really set type of you culled properly.
I don't think any of my non striped chicks have a head spot.
I'm anxious to see what nicalandia's recommendations are now that we actually have visuals for the F1s.
My concern over culling the non striped chicks... Where do you draw the line on those middle of the road chicks who aren't really yellow but not really dark either.?
I would advise you to fully identify each chick an document their progress, because all of the chimpmunk striped chicks could be all females(or not) and some of the not so well defined chicks could be males(specially the ones with lighter heads than body)... I think the chick I Highlighted is a Male, his cick pattern is not defined AND his head is lighter(also check his comb size)
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if the Wildtype looking chicks turn out to be females(easier to identify them as e+ carrier), then I would use them(ALL of them will be Barred) and mate them back to HRIR Male, such cross would further improve the Rhodebar, and as you can see we can identify the females with chipmunk stripes from homozygous wheten RIR females which you would get on the Back cross thise wildtype looking BC2 pullets will lack barring(from RIR dad) BUT they would have the much need it e+ gene(even if heterozygous) this Females could then be bred back to good type F1 cross males(which will carry e+ even if not well identify) and also could be bred back to RIR to produce more e+ Rhode Island Red females which would be great for any Rhodebar improvement plan
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Thanks Sheri and Marvin. OK I am a bit confused, and really want to be clear at this point on what I am looking for in the F1 crosses, especially since I can't grow them all out and really have to make good cull choices. Now I have 2 of my darker chipmunk stripes that are looking female to me and the 3rd one that has chipmunk stripes but not as pronounced that is looking male to me. The lighter ones, more reddish, chipmunk stripes not pronounced but you could see the difference in coloring down the back, most of those are looking male to me. Should I be keeping any of those? I was thinking that I should be keeping the ones with the most pronounced wildtype markings regardless if they are male or female? If that's not correct, then I am lost, lol.

I have 4 eggs pipped, so more chicks on the way. Now I just have to figure out where to put them.


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