The Rhodebar thread!

@cynthia12 Are you thinking about choosing one of your pullets to cross with your HRIR cock? It would be great to post pics of all three about once a month till they get to pol just to see how they evolve.

I am thinking that I may give it a try. His coloring is coming out quite nice, a dark shiny mahogany color. He's so funny looking right now though, all legs and walks funny .. to first rooster. He's only three months old. The Rhodebars are just only about a month behind him in age.
Opinion wanted... I was originally considering culling all my F1 males but am now considering keeping one to breed back to a RB female who I'm liking more and more all the time. Well... I am going to grow them all out, unless I get a stinker like Penny (how's he doing btw?)
My question is... is it the darker down males I should be choosing from? They are all hetero e+, but I can see pros and cons to both options - choosing light down and choosing dark down. Opinions?
a cross from a F1 Male which will be e+/eWh B/b+ back to pure Rhodebar female which is e+/e+ B/- will give you 50% pure e+/e+ and 50% e+/eWh chicks, and 50% B/B males and 50% B/- males and 50% B/- females and 50% b+/- females(non barred).. if you like the F1 males I would say go for it e+/e+ B/B males should look different from e+/e+ B/b+ males as you may have noticed that is if the e+/e+ B/b+ males look like e+/eWh B/b+ males,..
I thought it was time for an F1 update. These were hatched on 2/27 except the largest who is a 15 days older.

OK... the tail on that bigger one has been throwing me.
I am thinking that of the 7 in a line that the 1st and 5th are pullets, and maybe the 6th.
The one just above that row of chicks is a pullet, and the one below at the bottom is a cockerel.
OK... the tail on that bigger one has been throwing me.
I am thinking that of the 7 in a line that the 1st and 5th are pullets, and maybe the 6th.
The one just above that row of chicks is a pullet, and the one below at the bottom is a cockerel.
Agreed. The coloring on the 6th one looks male to me but that could just be because of reflection from a flash.

The more white, the more likely to be male I think. But most interesting is the different rates at which they are maturing.
I need to get all 17 in one picture... there is a lot of variability.
I hatched another 4 a few days ago and even though they are from the same exact pen, none of them have near as much wildtype.

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