The Rhodebar thread!

Will that be obvious or only noticed after breeding in the chicks? I can only keep one
it will be come Obvious very soon, when they start feathering out their body which should be at the 4 week mark I beleive
Thanks for your help! I have Jaerhons, and I thought adding another autosexing breed would be nice. This has been the only place I was alerted to some of the issues with the breed. Thanks again, I'll be following!
the cool thing about keeping Jaerhons and Rhodebars is that they can be tell apart from hatch even if you hatch them together, the Jaerhons have a different look to them at hatch since they are based on eb/eb instead
While researching this breed I found this page:
"If egg numbers are low, fresh blood can be introduced into your Rhodebar strain if you find some good utility Rhode Island Red hens and you can put your Rhodebar cockerel over these hens. The offspring from this mating will give you pure Rhodebar hens but the cockerels will not breed true. Next, put your Rhodebar cockerel over these pure Rhodebar hens. The offspring will now all be pure and you can continue with your line, hopefully now with increased egg numbers."

This person is suggesting to cull all F1 cockerels and only cross the F1 pullets back to the Rhodebar cock, which should then give all double barred cockerel chicks and improved F2 pullets.

That is only partially true, as the e locus on those f1 pullets will be heterozygous for the wheaton allele. the given crosses will work but only some of the f2 chicks will be pure, i.e. properly barred and homozygouse for the wild type e allele. the barring will be correct in all f2 chicks but half will have to be culled due to the wheaton gene. if all wild type f2 chicks are selected and bred together then all f3 chicks will be pure.
These two seem to be saying the same thing in a way. I'm struggling to understand the recent conversation in the context of the previous posts quoted here. The RB over HRIR F1 PULLETS will be single barred but some may carry wheaten. By choosing the darkest wildtype of these F1, the BC1 chicks that are RB over these F1 (RB over HRIR) should be "pure" RB and autosexing. Any F1 cull pullets (ALL cockerels go to meatland) of wheaten or lighter coloring would be "mixed breed layers" only.

Am I still confused?
you would have to understand that most hatcheries like GFF or in this case have only a limited genetic knowledge, in all of the internet this Thread is the most accurate in terms of genetics and breeding strategists on how to really improved the Rhodebar, Genetics is a rather simple Science, its like 2 + 2 = 4, in this case e+/e+(Rhodebar) + eWh/eWh(RIR) = e+/eWh which are Wheaten heterozygotes, not pure Rhodebar genetically speaking, Rhodebar rooster cross to RIR will produce single barred males(nonautosex) and Hemizygous females(females can ONLY have one copy of Barring gene) on this cross ALL no some but ALL of the males and females will carry Wheaten, the good news is the following, about 60% of them will look very wildtpe in chick down(very close to rhodebar) some will looke like pure wheaten and some right in the middle, so the Keepers are the ones that have the most wildtype look to them, thats why it would be easy to pieck them appart even if you use the F1s and cross them back to pure RIR,
These two seem to be saying the same thing in a way.  I'm struggling to understand the recent conversation in the context of the previous posts quoted here.  The RB over HRIR F1 PULLETS will be single barred but some may carry wheaten.  By choosing the darkest wildtype of these F1, the BC1 chicks that are RB over these F1 (RB over HRIR) should be "pure" RB and autosexing. Any  F1 cull pullets (ALL cockerels go to meatland) of wheaten or lighter coloring would be "mixed breed layers" only.

Am I still confused?

It isn't that "some" F1 will be half wheaten. ALL the F1 will be half wheaten - regardless of what they look like. They HAVE to have one wheaten gene, so they can't have 2 wildtype genes.
Therefore F1s are never purebred Rhodebars. A basic punnett square will prove this.
It isn't that "some" F1 will be half wheaten. ALL the F1 will be half wheaten - regardless of what they look like. They HAVE to have one wheaten gene, so they can't have 2 wildtype genes.
Therefore F1s are never purebred Rhodebars. A basic punnett square will prove this.
I agree,

Edit. I made the 6,000 post makr... Wow about 90% of that is Unreadable
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