The Rhodebar thread!

I was told that they were pure.. Guess I like brown egg layers better than white egg layers. I know they are the same but I am in it for the color.. I should show pictures...
This is my Rhodebar Rooster he's about 6 months old. Most of the roosters I've seen on the thread are redder in color than he is, what is the desired coloring?
He's red and white except for his tail which is black and white. Is his coloring incorrect? He's a pretty thing. I have Red Hens and Barred Rock Hens and Roos
Breeding-wise what can I do from here?

This is my Rhodebar Rooster he's about 6 months old. Most of the roosters I've seen on the thread are redder in color than he is, what is the desired coloring? He's red and white except for his tail which is black and white. Is his coloring incorrect? He's a pretty thing. I have Red Hens and Barred Rock Hens and Roos Breeding-wise what can I do from here?
He's actually better color than most RB cocks I've seen. Many have a problem with black on the breast area. If you can find some true standard bred (not hatchery) Rhode Island pullets/hens to put him over that would be what I would do. Your hatchery Reds are going to have different genetics (including some leg horn), so you need true standard bred brick shaped Reds. But if you can find some of those that would be a great start.
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I moderate the Rhodebar Facebook page and can tell you that most folks receiving shipped Rhodebar eggs have not received pure Rhodebars. It's a shame and i don't think it's really done maliciously. I think people just breed what they are "told" they have and they don't really understand what they "should" have and how to determine if their genetics are correct.

Remember... Rhodebars are an auto sexed, properly barred (single barred pullets and double barred cockerels), version of standards bred RIR. Read the standard for the RIR and everything else except the barring should look the same. They should be brick shaped, dark red, not black, brown eggs, yellow legs with horn color on the front of their legs and horn colored beaks, with a lot lower tail angle than is seen on many of the Rhodebar. That's a real condensed version but a great place to start.
If you want Rhodebar hatching eggs i would ask to see pictures of the parents as both chicks and adults. I would not only want to know what the parents look like now but want proof they they were easily autosexed.

IF you get a hatch that isn't 100% easily autosexed, even if some are, I would question the genetics and for sure test the genetics by breeding only those who were easily autosexed at hatch and then grew up to represent the standard. IF those criteria are met AND their offspring meet those criteria, then you have Rhodebars.
I'm not sure why folks think they can breed two chickens and sell their eggs as purebred if they haven't hatched some themselves for confirmation of their genetics.
Here are my month old GFF Rhodebars. They are all happy and healthy. Getting ready to move them to their own coop. Do these look like they are suppose too? Ill get better pics once I move them they are still a little skittish

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