The Rhodebar thread!

Hmm.... shipping from CA wouldn't be too much I don't think. How long are you growing them out for?

Does anyone have any pics of the rhodebar hens from greenfire lines? On their site, they only have the cock pictured and in my eyes, he isn't that good looking. Not what I had pictured.

If I end up making my own, they will be a nice mix. The cockerel I am growing right now will wind up with a beard/muff and his sisters should lay green eggs (his sire is part EE, part RIR, his dam was barred rock). I plan to cross him on some utility rhode island red hens, maybe a buckeye and some other red hens. They won't be a real rhodebar but the idea will be the same. Plus, we will just use them to produce pullets, color/type wont matter so much to us.

I had the same question about the Greenfire site. So strange to me to NOT show the pictures of the pullets. Everyone loves a good roo but clearly the majority of what you will see are the pullets. I was actually going to email them and ask. I did see some nice photos of someone else's rhodebars but now I can't recall where.
I have an F1 hen that is almost 6 months. She has wonderful barring, I'll snap some pictures of her today - she is from a cross of Imported from Wales Greenfire roo to traditional and production Rhode Island red hens to make them more productive. Too bad I only got one hen to hatch :(

The rest of the flock is 2 -3 months old, so I've got a long way to go before they hit the breeding pens.

Does anyone have experience of when the reach sexual maturity? 7 months?
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I'm still not impressed by their birds.... it might take longer but I think I definitely will work on creating my own line using Barred Rocks and Heritage RIR.
Is it just me, or does she have a crest? Her type is much more production bred RIR than what I was expecting.

I noticed that too, but wasn't sure? So potential crest along with bad comb, poor type, high tail angle, poor color (she doesn't look Red to me?) and weird barring? The barring doesn't look like barring to me either?

I was hoping for something more like this.

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The way I think a rhodebar should look, is like a barred/cuckoo rhode island red. If you were to take away the white, they should look RIR, right? Unless you combine the type of the rocks and rhode islands, then it is different. It might be nice to breed towards more of a RIR type, just to have something to aim for. I won't be breeding towards that myself, since I am going for more utility, might aim for a rose/pea comb too since we're up here where it gets really cold, but egg production and auto sexing will be great.
Yes the bird in the picture is crested. Single combs on females and males will go wobbly on the end near the crest. The female is also smutty looking- she looks like she is carrying melanotic. You get the smutty look in older wheaten females that carry melanotic or pattern. Barring does not show well on black tailed red ( wheaten) females. Do not expect great barring on the females. The female in the picture is a poor example of a rhodebar.


I noticed that too, but wasn't sure? So potential crest along with bad comb, poor type, high tail angle, poor color (she doesn't look Red to me?) and weird barring? The barring doesn't look like barring to me either?

I was hoping for something more like this.

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tadkerson, the first hen pictured is a bad example, not the hen I pictured, correct?

So my question is... where did the crest come from?! Rhodebars should not have a crest right? Maybe Greenfire crossed their Rhodebar and Cream Legbars together? Would that also explain the poor coloring in the hen?
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