The Rhodebar thread!

Just got my first Rhodebar egg - and it's a deep olive green. Beautiful egg - but definitely not what I expected from a Rhodebar. I got my chicks directly from GreefireFarm and they've been in a pen by themselves for over a month. However, I thought their eggs would be brown. Is an olive egg typical?
Nope, they should be brown, just like a RIR.

Sounds to me like you have a Rhodebar/Cream Legbar mix too.

Why would Greenfire be selling mixed breed chicks???

ETA: Do you have pictures of your birds?
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I have 3 females and 1 male. I'm not sure which female laid the egg. The three females look basically the same although one has more barring than the others. The first picture was taken a couple months ago. The others were taken this week.

Welcome CarolJ to the bluegreen egg Rhodebar.....It seems GFF used some cream legbar along the line..., but your hens look like a Rhodebar hen, which is a lot of red in them...I finally got an e-mail back saying they would sent me another Rhodebar hen, but if your hens are laying blue-green eggs , too...I don't want one I'll make my own Rhodebars with my RIR hens and Rhodebar rooster even though he has a little to much black in him...Good luck with the hens...
Alright, here are some pics of the boys although two managed to escape a good photo:

So, this is roo number 4:

then we have roo #3, with #2 in immediate background and stubborn #1 in far background (he's older by a few weeks than the others)

roo #3 again

roo #2 with #1 in the background

my favorite pullet thus far

roo #4 again

another pullet

another pullet

would love to get some feedback on the roos and which qualities you like and don't like, which ones you would like for breeding, etc. I will capture missing roo #5 tomorrow and some better pics of roo #1. Also hope to band the pullets and shoot pics of all of them as well.
Really like Roo #3 and #4....(More reds then #2, Can't see #1 to good does he have more red then black) with your main hen....All your hens look Great...Good luck!!!
Since I have no confidence that any of my "Rhodebars" are purebred (because of the olive green egg), I couldn't in good conscience sell hatching eggs or chicks - even if the other two hens lay brown eggs. So I'm going to try to re-home my rooster, and I'll put the hens with my laying flock. I am done with Rhodebars and won't breed them. If any of you live near Nashville and want the rooster - you're welcome to him. I've sent GFF an email asking for a refund. I bought my hens when they were $99 each - which is a lot for a hen that's not purebred. I'm very disappointed after waiting so eagerly since March for them to start laying. I will stick with my legbars, Swedish flower hens and Araucanas. Sooooooo not happy about this!
Just got my first Rhodebar egg - and it's a deep olive green. Beautiful egg - but definitely not what I expected from a Rhodebar. I got my chicks directly from GreefireFarm and they've been in a pen by themselves for over a month. However, I thought their eggs would be brown. Is an olive egg typical?
so bummed about that! crazy. all my rhodebars are laying brown eggs. they were all direct from greenfire farms. I have a few eggs in the incubator that are fertile and developing so I should have my first chicks in a few weeks! exciting.
Quote: Thanks for some input ! I appreciate it. I totally forgot about getting the other two photographed. guess I will give the rhodebars a bump in the free range schedule so I can get some pics of the remaining two.

So sorry for you two getting the odd colored eggs. It would be great to know what happened there! I would be so bold as to ask for a proven breeding trio to replace the one's you have since you can't be sure of the origin of the problem!
It looks like me and carol hens were about the same ages could have been out of the same hatch.........GFF told me they had hens about the same age and would sent me one this week..I told them No!!! I will ask about a pair or trio maybe in the 15 to 16 week age...I hate to have to give up on my Rhodebar roo he is getting to be a real looker at 28 weeks....
But the rir are laying eggs with him and will begin putting into bator soon...
It looks like me and carol hens were about the same ages could have been out of the same hatch.........GFF told me they had hens about the same age and would sent me one this week..I told them No!!! I will ask about a pair or trio maybe in the 15 to 16 week age...I hate to have to give up on my Rhodebar roo he is getting to be a real looker at 28 weeks....
But the rir are laying eggs with him and will begin putting into bator soon...

You're probably better of making your own Rhodebars, using your Rhodebar roo and RIR hens. A lot of the Rhodebars I have seen do not have good type. They are supposed to be brick shaped, like a good RIR. Too many look leggy and thin like a Leghorn. Starting over with good RIR foundation stock should help correct a lot of the problems in the current Rhodebar lines.

I would love to see pictures of your RIR hens.

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