The right shade of blue Orpington?

We've started with blues here too so I've been doing research. In a nut shell what's said is to breed like coloring and not extremes, i.e. two blues of similar coloring- stepping color up or down slowly for conformity. Use black if the coloring starts to wash out losing the lacing or dark neck feathers. It's a balancing act and with the three colors would prove a fun challenge.
Blue Australorps is a great idea. Something I'd certainly do if our family didn't get attached to the Plymouth Rock breed.

Here is Cordon, our mixed boy we're going to start with over a black Rock. He's young in this pic, 8 months now. The yellow feet should work well and in three to four years of line breeding sons perhaps I can say we've a true Rock Flock. Wow, he's so small in this picture- I need an updated one today...

Cordon doing his head shake this morning. Just had to post it-

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Yep, I've got the "right" color blue pullet, similar to your boy above, and lacing is awful. And I have a really dark blue one. But it just so happens I have a nice black roo to breed with them. While I told myself my main focus will be on size, I'd like to improve the color as well.

Here she is at 4 months

Need newer pics of this guy, this is when he was 7 months old. He's 9 months now and shaping up into a nice roo so far as temperament and stuff:
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As you say, he is young but so far he looks great! He should be perfect for your project! The comb is a bit wonky but that shouldn't be much of a problem for you.
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