The Ring/Nail Test Experiment (Just for fun)

I think I have the spreadsheet settings right now so that it can be viewed through the link. Let me know if I don't and I will try to figure it out. Still trying to learn Google Sheets (I'm more of an Excel person. LOL!)
You will do fine with sheets then. All the common functions are the same
You will do fine with sheets then. All the common functions are the same

This is only the 3rd time that I have used Google Sheets - the first was to help my daughter make a graph for her science fair project (had to be sheets because she had to share the document with her teacher)...that was interesting. LOL! Google search to the rescue! :lau Then I decided to use it for the 4-H shooting sports club that I am co-leader of so that kids and parents could see practice scores and compare throughout the season, and now this experiment. I keep messing up on the sharing part when I go to share. Had the same problem the first time I used google docs. Everything else I am good with. :D
I hope you don’t mind if I join in. I have eggs hatching. They are sexable at hatch with about 90% accuracy.
So I did the nail trick on them as I was candling to check how everyone was doing.
If things are right there are 6 females in the eggs and 4 males. I marked each egg. Now I just have to wait till they hatch out and I can have results for you to add to your egg version of this experiment.
I hope you don’t mind if I join in. I have eggs hatching. They are sexable at hatch with about 90% accuracy.
So I did the nail trick on them as I was candling to check how everyone was doing.
If things are right there are 6 females in the eggs and 4 males. I marked each egg. Now I just have to wait till they hatch out and I can have results for you to add to your egg version of this experiment.

That is awesome! I started this experiment and then realized that I had ZERO auto sexing chicks in my next 5 hatches. I thought to myself "this would be so much easier if I had auto sexing chicks!" LOL! I guess it will add some excitement and suspense to my life as I wait for the final results. :lau I am excited to hear that you have some chicks that are sexable sooner and that you are joining in!
Male marked male
found out that there is a small flaw in the nail trick on eggs if the chick pips backwards. I had one that was at first marked female then it pipped backwards. So I rechecked and then it checked it again it spun this time instead. Ended up opening up the hole more and found a dark bill so the check was correct.
found out that there is a small flaw in the nail trick on eggs if the chick pips backwards. I had one that was at first marked female then it pipped backwards. So I rechecked and then it checked it again it spun this time instead. Ended up opening up the hole more and found a dark bill so the check was correct.

That is interesting!! Maybe there is hope one of my Svart Honas is wrong then! Out of 4, 3 nail checked male and 1 nail checked female in egg. The 3 eggs marked male hatched and nothing has happened with the female marked one. I did take the female marked egg out and did a quick candle to find no movement and no internal pip. I did notice a red colored blob about the size of a pea near the air cell, so wondering if it pipped a vein. I did the nail test over the female marked egg and it did not move at pretty sure it is DIS. However, one of the male marked eggs (egg 1) pipped on the wrong end. I will be doing the 2nd part of the test tomorrow (nail test at 1 day old), so we will see. :pop
That is interesting!! Maybe there is hope one of my Svart Honas is wrong then! Out of 4, 3 nail checked male and 1 nail checked female in egg. The 3 eggs marked male hatched and nothing has happened with the female marked one. I did take the female marked egg out and did a quick candle to find no movement and no internal pip. I did notice a red colored blob about the size of a pea near the air cell, so wondering if it pipped a vein. I did the nail test over the female marked egg and it did not move at pretty sure it is DIS. However, one of the male marked eggs (egg 1) pipped on the wrong end. I will be doing the 2nd part of the test tomorrow (nail test at 1 day old), so we will see. :pop
:pop :fl

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