The Ring/Nail Test Experiment (Just for fun)

Are you all actually believing there's any truth to this?
My family has been doing the wedding ring dangle for forever to find out the sex of unborn children. Yes it works about 50% of the time.
We've always done and everyone else that ive heard of that the back and forth was male and swinging was a female.
I'd love someone to go pick up about 20 sex links and give us the results. Id bet it also comes to being about 50% correct.

I just thought it would be a fun little experiment! Lol! With my kids home early from school due to the virus (my daughter is a teenager and my son is just getting to the attitude stage), I needed something to do to get my mind off of things and de-stress. My chickens and the hatching is kind of my "me time". If anything, I get more time with my chickens and more "me time" this way. Lol!
So I did the nail test on the 3 Svart Honas that hatched yesterday (placed in a plastic cup on a non magnetic surface - didn't want my magnetism or another objects magnetism to interfere)....all still testing Male.

Updated my spreadsheet this morning too.
Are you all actually believing there's any truth to this?
My family has been doing the wedding ring dangle for forever to find out the sex of unborn children. Yes it works about 50% of the time.
We've always done and everyone else that ive heard of that the back and forth was male and swinging was a female.
I'd love someone to go pick up about 20 sex links and give us the results. Id bet it also comes to being about 50% correct.
This started as sexing chicks on a different thread. She is pushing it to another level. For fun.
Ok I have some results for you @kelseyk . So my eggs are at different times in the one incubator.

Duck eggs
Day 6 eggs- 6 clears (no movement at all), one male one female
12-14 day eggs- two female
19-21 day eggs- 3 Males, 3 females

Chicken egg
Day 12-14, Male
What a fun idea!! This reminds me in a way of water witching.. or dousing. I have also tried metal rods to answer questions.. they move in and cross its yes and apart it’s no. There are many things that turned out to be true and correct for me using that .
I’m sure it’s all silly fun but it really is interesting
What a fun idea!! This reminds me in a way of water witching.. or dousing. I have also tried metal rods to answer questions.. they move in and cross its yes and apart it’s no. There are many things that turned out to be true and correct for me using that .
I’m sure it’s all silly fun but it really is interesting

My grandpa used to do water witching for different things. It was always fun to watch!
I worked for a construction company for years and I used the divining rods to locate utilities prior to excavations because the utility 1-calls were not always accurate. I had 99% accuracy. The principles are the same in sexing eggs before hatch. It also has to do with the magnetism and electrical energy of the person doing the testing. Some people can do it and some can't. I have eggs in an incubator. I may just have to test and report my data here with you if you don't mind.
I worked for a construction company for years and I used the divining rods to locate utilities prior to excavations because the utility 1-calls were not always accurate. I had 99% accuracy. The principles are the same in sexing eggs before hatch. It also has to do with the magnetism and electrical energy of the person doing the testing. Some people can do it and some can't. I have eggs in an incubator. I may just have to test and report my data here with you if you don't mind.

I do not mind at all! Excited to see your outcome!
I worked for a construction company for years and I used the divining rods to locate utilities prior to excavations because the utility 1-calls were not always accurate. I had 99% accuracy. The principles are the same in sexing eggs before hatch. It also has to do with the magnetism and electrical energy of the person doing the testing. Some people can do it and some can't. I have eggs in an incubator. I may just have to test and report my data here with you if you don't mind.

I think people with a higher electromagnetic field may get more false results. This is why I am thinking about setting something up on a pole arm to dangle over an egg or chick as I have been know. To have higher fields to the point I used to mess up radios and tv antennas.
I think people with a higher electromagnetic field may get more false results. This is why I am thinking about setting something up on a pole arm to dangle over an egg or chick as I have been know. To have higher fields to the point I used to mess up radios and tv antennas.

I have been thinking about setting something up too....but for me it is just because I get tired of waiting for the string to straighten out (makes the nail twirl) every time I pick up the string. Lol! I also want to come up with something to hold my 3 week old birds so that I am not holding them. I don't think my personal magnetism is super strong, but would like to completely get my magnetism out of this experiment if I can.

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