The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

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Thats a sig sauer 5.56 nato the holes help keep the barrel cool when firing the end piece on the barrel is a suppresor. Its semi auto so I can kill multiple pigs at a time.

We just got our 5.56, My ship(navy) did a special buy and we got it engraved and serialized direct from sig sauer. It is wonderful!
How about Bee Wise? Or Bee Balanced? Oh, the possibilities are endless....
At this moment, I only have three hens, and I feed the grains in the FF.  I just bought a big metal trash can from Home Depot. I emptied the grains and the grower feed, stirred it around, keep it covered with the metal lid, and just dig from there to put in the FF. 

mrsamplias - but you're not fermenting the feed in a metal trash can, right? You're just storing the dry feed and grains in the metal can and them brewing your FF in plastic. I just wanted to clarify this for others  :D

YES! Just emptying the 50# sacks and mixing the dry grains together for storage in the metal trash can. The FF is in the garage in a plastic bucket.   Every morning, I give the hens a scoop of the FF out of my plastic bucket, and then I grab a scoop of the dry to put in my plastic bucket for the FF to keep on doing its thing. 
I use a big compost bin that would not suffice for the amount of compost I produce. I can stick 4 bags of feed, and roll it three times to get it mixed. It's on a metal stand...

Like this:


No stirring required :D

To think I was not going to take it from my last house to this one.. It really comes in handy!
Controlled amounts? Does the amprollium stay in their systems as they age to control the number of oocysts to which they are exposed?

Here's a theory, if the amprollium inhibits thiamine absorption and thiamine is instrumental in immune system function, how again is this helping the immune system develop antibodies to the cocci?

This is why I advocate the use of UP/ACV for the prevention of an overgrowth of cocci and also early exposure to the cocci in the flock's litter and soils to develop chick immunities instead of amprollium. Because the acv has the microbes that inhibit the overgrowth of cocci naturally~providing balance instead of an attempt to eradicate, while keeping the bowel populated with the same good bacteria that also promotes thiamine absorption. It's a win/win solution that the amprollium simply does not have and cannot give.

Amprollium just starves the cocci of thiamine(incidentally this action is not specific to the cocci and also works on the host as well) but the stronger oocysts what you have are stronger, hardier cocci oocysts. The same affect that is achieved by giving antibiotics frequently...the strong germs survive and build a resistance to the drug the next time you need it. I'm assuming it is the same with these oocysts that survive the amprollium to gently introduce chicks to cocci. The next batch of chicks fed the amprollium are then presented with a group of cocci in their evironment that simply laugh at the amprollium, as they build their colonies of cocci in the chick's bowels.

This is why many, many people on BYC report cocci related deaths in their chicks even after having the vaccine or feeding the medicated starter. Because it just breeds bigger and badder cocci in their environment and they were also making their chicks nutrient deficient while feeding the starter.

I prefer the use of natural controls for these types of things because they just can't be improved upon.
I just got back from a farm today that I have given birds to, as the owner is a good gal who is trying to establish a good flock of dual purpose BOs, having started with Welp Hatchery birds. They are unrecognizable as the same breed as mine. She realized this when she saw mine, and asked for help.

I took one sniff at her runs, put on my boots, and starting picking up birds. The smell of Coccidia was very strong. All the birds were passing blood at 8 mos, and she is loosing one every few days since they came into lay. They are also molting heavily at 8 mos, which they should not be.

45 + birds crammed into a muck pit . The hen house was worse. No mites though. The overcrowding and stress let the oocysts multiply. It IS a stress disease to a great extent. I told her to amprol those birds, and turn them loose to range. Then muck out, and enlarge those runs, or have fewer birds. Change the diet too, as she is feeding a 16% hog feed with molasses and soy. No vitamins and minerals added, with no ranging, is a receipe for disaster.

I've never seen a resistance to amprolium after use from generation to generation. The point is to keep the numbers DOWN so they do not overwhelm the bird.
I just got back from a farm today that I have given birds to, as the owner is a good gal who is trying to establish a good flock of dual purpose BOs, having started with Welp Hatchery birds. They are unrecognizable as the same breed as mine. She realized this when she saw mine, and asked for help.

I took one sniff at her runs, put on my boots, and starting picking up birds. The smell of Coccidia was very strong. All the birds were passing blood at 8 mos, and she is loosing one every few days since they came into lay. They are also molting heavily at 8 mos, which they should not be.

45 + birds crammed into a muck pit . The hen house was worse. No mites though. The overcrowding and stress let the oocysts multiply. It IS a stress disease to a great extent. I told her to amprol those birds, and turn them loose to range. Then muck out, and enlarge those runs, or have fewer birds. Change the diet too, as she is feeding a 16% hog feed with molasses and soy. No vitamins and minerals added, with no ranging, is a receipe for disaster.

I've never seen a resistance to amprolium after use from generation to generation. The point is to keep the numbers DOWN so they do not overwhelm the bird.

I bet that broke your heart, to see your good birds in that situation.
I don't understand how people can't see the obvious. I'm doomed to have to point it out to those who cannot see or those who refuse to see. Either way it gets old.

Do you think she will do as you suggest?
Or even Bee Natural

That one would go better with the blog title...I like it!
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