The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

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Or even Bee Natural

That one is perfect! I'll whip some up :eek:)
Or even Bee Natural :)

That one is perfect! I'll whip some up :eek:)
I had to go back and see if it was suggested. :lol: usually I am not good with coming up with things like that. I thought forever to come up with a name for a Johnny Cake, but nothing popped in my head :p

As for the video request you asked about earlier, you'll bet I can come up with a few. Any topics of preference?

I clipped all 3 of my female turkeys today :( I almost cried. I felt like I was doing them a disservice. I had to do something, as my neighbour had a point.

I do want to get electric fencing, but needed something until that is done.

I'm thinking Tom will stay with his girls. I can't do it to his beautiful wings.. He struts and I love to see him do so with everything intact.
DragonLady -
This is fantastic insight! I'm going to get some calf manna as soon as I can!

With the SFH, we have been finding that the amprollium in the medicated feed (a thiamine blocker which prevents cocci from reproducing) was making the SFH chicks deficient in thiamine. It's interesting stuff when you import a breed!

I'm fascinated to know that your great uncle had skånsk blommehöna on his farm! If you happen to run across any photos, I'd be forever grateful! In fact, I have been working on a book about SFH and have found information to be very limited... so please, please, please PM me with anything you know

I would recommend Algamin, a seaweed product used as a trace mineral supplement for the soil AND for animals, available from Peaceful Valley Farms, perhaps other places.
Thanks B I'm gonna feed it to them manna. They will be fine I'm sure. My definition is just a few swallows of ACV with the mother in the new batch. does the second generation develop immunities to these things?  I'm presuming the same way that the first generation contracting said diseases, either dying or surviving it and passing those strong immune system traits and some antibodies to the second generation.  One cannot develop immunities to things unless there is first exposure to it. 

If you crutch or help with that exposure, then they didn't survive or thrive under those new conditions, they were merely moved there and supplemented along until those who would not normally survive their new climate did survive to pass on their genetics that will also continue to need help to survive in that climate.  So on and so forth, down through the line. 

Amprolium does not kill every Oocyst. As the chicks get older , they are exposed in controlled amounts to coccidia, and develop immunity under a controlled exposure rate, so the oocysts do not multiply into an unmanageable level for the bird. Same theory as a vaccine exposing a person to disease through innoculation. Your body responds with immunity.

Years ago , before small pox innoculations, dairy maids who milked, rarely contracted small pox, as cow pox had given them immunity.

Tell you the truth, I'm not messing around. Just got a few nice birdies and they are getting medicated feed plus ACV (my own homemade) in the water. Plus the calf manna and some wild bird food in the feed. Why be unsure? If the amprolium does mess with vitamin uptake, calf manna is there to help take care of that. The ACV can do nothing but help. And honestly? They LOVE the water with the ACV in it. Just a few drops per whatever but they drink it like it was the best stuff on earth.

But then this is just a trio. I'm not taking any chances. Once I'm able to hatch a bunch, then I'll be more lenient.
Had an interesting discussion with my Aunt (in law) about fermented feed while she was in town for a family event.
She is an old-school Norwegian woman who has lived on a working farm all her life.
She and her husband were the first people to give me a proper hands-on butchering tutorial while here on vacation 2 summers ago (gotta love farmers. You can ask them to help you butcher as part of their holiday itinerary, and they pitch in willingly!)
I was asking her about fermented feed, and if they ever used it for their cattle, hogs or chickens (they do meaties by the hundreds every year, and keep a laying flock, for their own needs).
She said they didn't, but that her Mother (and even older-timer Norwegian woman) always made "mash" for her hens and that she made it in much the same way I am doing it now. Her Mother swore by it, and said all the women made mash for their hens back then. I could see the twinkle in her eyes as I explained my (Bee's) rationale, and my results, including an end to waste, and the savings, economically.
We discussed this at length, and she mentioned how wasteful their birds were with their feed, and how she would like to see this end.
By the time we were through, I could see the wheels turning in her head. As many meaties as they process every year, a savings on feed with excellent results caught her attention in a big way.

Needless to say, I was pretty excited to have been validated by the Oldest Timers' philosophy in the family, as well as to have brought something to her attention she had forgotten about for many years!

Did she happen to mention what was in the mash?
I just drank my first dose of ACV+ all by itself. I started with 1 Tbs. Interestingly, it didn't have the taste that I associate with ACV and it "burned" all the way down. Twenty minutes later and all is good! No, the burning didn't last 20 minutes...just meaning that I am fine.
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