The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

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I'm going to toot my own horn and say, and I hope I'm accurate, that this isn't a mistake I've done yet. Lord only knows I've made plenty and am not finished making mistakes yet. Giggling about "chicken math" aside (which I never did really understand), how can you say you love an animal you can't adequately care for? I must be thick. I don't get it.

Me neither, hon. That's where the definition of love has become a little skewed on this Earth in the last several years. I think they confuse "love" with "want". They want them, so therefore they must love them, mustn't they? Like they love their new purse or their new cell phone...until they want a new one. And another material thing on top of that. They forget that these are not handbags or shoes, but living, breathing creatures.
Those words "daily thread check" stuck in my mind and all I could think of was "We thank you, Lord, for our daily thread...."

"And forgive us your Threadpasses... As we forgive those that.." Oh my.. LOL "gig

AS WE FORGIVE THOSE that threadpass against us. (Now there's one for you to think about, Bee...I know you've been "threadpassed against" at times...)
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As I have also threadpassed against others. (
I am not innocent of evil, to be sure. Some folks have gotten bee stung a time or two and for this I ask the Lord's forgiveness.) Lord, lead me not into temptation to insult Silkies, but deliver me from foo-foo birds, for thine is the power, the kingdom and the glory forever. Amen.
As I have also threadpassed against others. ( :)   I am not innocent of evil, to be sure.  Some folks have gotten bee stung a time or two and for this I ask the Lord's forgiveness.)  Lord, lead me not into temptation to insult Silkies, but deliver me from foo-foo birds, for thine is the power, the kingdom and the glory forever.  Amen. 

Yep...sure would. Might be cheaper to drive...not sure. I would be delighted to do a hands on and would love to travel right to people's homes and see their setups and make suggestions. It's so much easier to do that in person when you can visualize what they are working with.

Don't need any fees or any such blather but just transportation costs and a couch to sleep on, a meal or two.

It would be a great way for you to get to travel and see the country too!
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It would be a great way for you to get to travel and see the country!

It would...but please don't make me go back to RI. Those are the most rude people I've ever had the discomfort to meet! I know it's their culture and they aren't trying to be mean but, whether they realize it or not, that "rude culture" of which they are so proud has eaten into their hearts. Not only are their actions rude but they are just not happy people and they really, really hate happy people and don't mind showing it. It's sad how discontent they are in their lives.

Now, I'm not trying to stereotype RI-ers but I only met one nice one while I was there working for 3 months. It was a little weird and scary.
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