The road less traveled...back to good health! They have lice, mites, scale mites, worms, anemia, gl

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Can't get my iPad browser to load pics onto this, but below are links (hope they work... They take you to my fb pics, which are set to private..) to my two pit bulls hanging with their chicks. The first is a great shot of my youngster (about a year old in this shot) with his favorite peep sitting on his leg. He's admittedly not much of a protector to the flock, as he would rather play with them... But the second pic is of my "pit bull Pyrenees" (although clearly a staged photo - yes, I'm one of "those"... Sent out Easter cards this year which included this pic.) Anyways, she's a beast when it comes to protecting those chicks. Got herself a Tom cat and an opossum 2 days apart. So far, nothing else has even attempted to raid her coop.
Love this thread, Bee! I don't have any unhealthy birds right now, but I'm learning so much for any future endeavors with doctoring worthy birds. Also following the FF & OT threads, can't get enough! Thanks for documenting your experience and sharing your wisdom to a newbie who can't get enough chicken info!!

Nikki our Ipads cant load photos directly on here ...a byc friend showed me to use photobucket to download all photos then copy onto here :D
Get the photobucket app, it works great. Upload the photo, click the i, copy the image code, and paste it directly into the message. Super easy.
Last check of the night on the Gnarly Bunch: Guess who has a perfectly clean butt and perfectly normal poops??? Yes! You guessed it! Miss Messy Butt of the infamous butt pictures!!!!

That does it...I'm buying stock in NuStock.

Clean, pink and no juice, no smell, no runny brown discharge, no swelling. Watched a normal chicken poop drop as the light was shining directly on signs of ulcers at the corners of the vent.

Two days from that horrible, nothing.

I've decided to call her Ruby Crockett, after my granny.
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That's how I post photos on my iPad too. ~posted from my iPad
Just experimenting. On my iPad, I chose one of my photos on flickr, clicked "Share," and cut-and-pasted the html code it gave me. Not a one-step process, but it worked. p.s. It's not a Silkie. It's a miniature Yeti.
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Last check of the night on the Gnarly Bunch: Guess who has a perfectly clean butt and perfectly normal poops??? Yes! You guessed it! Miss Messy Butt of the infamous butt pictures!!!!

That does it...I'm buying stock in NuStock.

Clean, pink and no juice, no smell, no runny brown discharge, no swelling. Watched a normal chicken poop drop as the light was shining directly on signs of ulcers at the corners of the vent.

Two days from that horrible, nothing.

I've decided to call her Ruby Crockett, after my granny.
She should progress now that her poor little body doesn't have to fight the gleet! Plus she should just plain feel better without all that mess. *put info in the back of my brain for 'just in case'
Beekissed, I'm curious. Will you ever make an effort to show the previous owners of this flock what the birds look like now? You've expressed so little anger towards them...chalking up their faults to ignorance, as I understand it. So, would you want to show them the flock now in order to educate them? Don't they still have chickens on their property (you mentioned a rooster of theirs with terrible feet)?

I understand it'd be hard to arrange this without coming across as vindictive or self-righteous, but you seem like such an educator I wonder if you've thought about letting these people see how their husbandry practices were the direct cause of suffering (and poor egg production, it they care more about this than how the chickens felt).

It's just been such a phenomenally fast recovery that the people couldn't help but see the immediate difference between their practices and yours. I'd invite them over to give them a free bottle of Nu-Stock...and then show them the chickens so they can see all that it has cured. You may be talking about the miracles of Nu-Stock, but they also would be witnessing first hand what healthy chickens look and act like.
Beekissed, I'm curious. Will you ever make an effort to show the previous owners of this flock what the birds look like now? You've expressed so little anger towards them...chalking up their faults to ignorance, as I understand it. So, would you want to show them the flock now in order to educate them? Don't they still have chickens on their property (you mentioned a rooster of theirs with terrible feet)?

I understand it'd be hard to arrange this without coming across as vindictive or self-righteous, but you seem like such an educator I wonder if you've thought about letting these people see how their husbandry practices were the direct cause of suffering (and poor egg production, it they care more about this than how the chickens felt).

It's just been such a phenomenally fast recovery that the people couldn't help but see the immediate difference between their practices and yours. I'd invite them over to give them a free bottle of Nu-Stock...and then show them the chickens so they can see all that it has cured. You may be talking about the miracles of Nu-Stock, but they also would be witnessing first hand what healthy chickens look and act like.
my opinion is that won't matter and cause hard feelings. From what I remember these are long time chicken farmers. I don't see them changing their ways. Just my humble opinion
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