~The Shadow's Omen~ My story please read :)

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Chapter 6

"What was what?" Nyght asked.

"The grass just rustled."

"You must be imagining it." Just as Nyght said that, the grass quivered again. Cocking a brow in suspicion, Suzie eyed the grass for several long moments. The blades suddenly parted, revealing a blue she-cat. She was watching something in the distance beyond the grandfather tree, but when the grass parted, she flattened her ears and looked right at Suzie, her eyes blue fire.

"What was that for?!" She growled. "I'm trying to follow Zeus without him noticing!"

"Zeus?" Suzie echoed, "who's Zeus?"

"Thunder's latest play-thing," the she-cat said dryly. "I'm trying to follow him; he'll take me to Thunder's base."

"So you can join him?" Lana said icily.

"No," the she-cat rolled her eyes. "To take him down with my team's help of course, idiot!"

"You have a team?" Suzie demanded, "who are they and WHO ARE YOU?!"

The she-cat curled her lips up in a vicious snarl, her claws unsheathing and her fur bristling with anger. "They call me Bluestar." She spat, "but I don't have to explain myself to you. Now shut up!"

"Wait!" Sorrelfur stepped forward. "Did you say your name was Bluestar?"

"Yes," Bluestar said, her voice eerily calm.

"We were going to look for you," Sorrelfur mewed. "Rocky said that you were a formidable fighter."

"Hmm," Bluestar grunted, looking at Sorrelfur thoughtfully. "Well, provided you won't screw up my mission, you can come with me."

"Wait," Sunfire meowed, coming up behind Sorrelfur, "why don't you just stay here? You're safe here."

Bluestar laughed hollowly, her expression blank. "I'm never safe," she meowed flatly.

"Why?" Suzie asked, "no evil can reach this tree."

Bluestar rolled her eyes, "that's a dream. Evil that rivals the power of the guardians, like in Thunder's case, can go anywhere it wants. Besides, I have a mission to get to before Zeus gets away." She clenched her teeth and growled slightly on the last three words.

Suzie felt her hackles rising, "you doubt the power of the grandfather tree?!"

Nyght took a step towards Bluestar, ignoring Suzie as if she hadn't even spoken. "We will join you. When the time comes, we will rescue the guardians and defeat Thunder. Or die trying." His voice was serious.

Bluestar gave a small nod. "Let me call my team," she meowed, raising her head and letting out a loud caterwaul. Within a few minutes, several cats and a pegasus pelted towards Bluestar.

"You called us?" A gray tabby female meowed to Bluestar.

"They'll be coming with us on the mission," Bluestar mewed, pointing with her tail towards the first group of creatures. "I'll need your help." She turned tail and pelted through the clearing, her team following. Sorrelfur bounded after her, and Foxshadow ran beside his sister. Growling, Suzie followed as well as Nyght, Lana, Faina, Rocky, and North's group.

"We need to be quiet," Bluestar hissed as they came upon a small grove. Zeus was grazing on a small patch of velvety grass. As Sorrelfur got a good look at him, her eyes widened.

The same horse from my dream!

North winced as he snapped a twig, and Zeus instantly snapped his head up.

"Who's there?" He called, his voice somewhat nervous. Bluestar and her team hid behind a pine tree. "I'm not kidding, who's there?!" Behind him, a wall of vines began to sprout. Not knowing that it was there, he began to back into it. The second he touched them, he looked up fearfully and tried to run, but it was no use. The woody vines came down and wrapped themselves around his legs, leaving him unable to walk or run. "THUND-" He tried to yell, but his mouth was tied shut as a vine sprouted off the net and wrapped itself around his nose. Suzie hopped down from the branch of a tree, glaring at the black horse accusingly.

"Suzie!" Bluestar snapped, her eyes blazing. "What are you thinking?! Now he knows we're following him, thanks to you! We'll never find Thunder's base now!"

"I have a better idea," Suzie replied, turning back to the infuriated she-cat. "We'll make a small hole in the ground and put him in it, but we'll make it easy for him to escape. When he gets out, they will think we are weak because we can't keep a prisoner for very long. And when we attack, they will underestimate our strength. Storm, your power is creating earthquakes, can you make a hole?"

The pegasus nodded, and a small tremor shook the ground. A small crack in the ground opened up, but suddenly stopped. His power had suddenly been disabled, as well as Suzie's.

Bluestar pinned her ears back. Suzie's words did not ease her; if anything, they only made her angrier. "Suzie, if you had the slightest clue as to what you were talking about, you would realize just how stupid that sounds." It was clear that Bluestar was furious; her eyes blazed like blue fire and her ears were pinned back as far as they would go, but her voice was eerily calm. "For one, Zeus is a very strong warrior, he would get out at some point, and even if he didn't, he would communicate telepathically to Thunder to tell him where he was. Two, we can't attack if we don't know where Thunder is, which we would have been able to find out if you hadn't screwed up. Three, do you think that we will win this war on a whim that the enemy will think we are weak?" She paused, as if waiting for a reply. "Of course not! Not only that, you just let him hear your entire plan." Bluestar motioned with her tail to the horse, looking at both Bluestar and Suzie with calm eyes.

Suzie's eyes widened as she realized her mistake.

"Thanks a lot for screwing up a mission that could very well have pointed us to the guardians and got them rescued," Bluestar's voice remained eerily cool and collected, like the storm before the calm.

"Wait!" Sorrelfur stepped forward. "I'm sorry. Can you still take me into your team?" Bluestar just looked at her, slightly bewildered. "I won't make stupid mistakes." As Sorrelfur said this, Foxshadow hesitantly stepped forward as well.

"Me, too," he meowed.

Bluestar looked at Sorrelfur for a long time. "Alright," Bluestar said finally. "I'll find someone on my team to train you two."

"Can we still work together?" Suzie hopped off the branch. "I thought that my vines would have knocked him out, and now that you say that, I do realize that my idea wasn't very smart. If we work together, we have a greater chance of throwing Thunder down."

Bluestar glared at Suzie accusingly for several long minutes. "I'll think about it," she said in a way that invited no protests.

"So, where wil we stay?" Nyght said, "in my cave?"

Bluestar shook her head, "no. We will stay at my cave." Holding her tail high and striding confidently, Bluestar turned tail and began to pad away. "Follow me," she meowed over her shoulder.

Why does she suddenly think she's running the show? Storm thought, glaring at the blue cat. But he made no protests to Bluestar.

Sorrelfur walked proudly beside her brother and Silverstream, one of Bluestar's team members. She liked Bluestar, and with everyone's combined help, she was sure that they could throw Thunder down and rescue the guardians. Little did they know of the trouble that awaited them.




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