~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

((Hmm, well how do you know there is an answer?))

((There better be))

"I know, right?" He whispered back, keeping his eyes on the girls.


(It's amazing how much positive feedback you can get for making a cannibalism joke. {Sort of cannibalism, anyway.})

Arwen glanced at her watch. Man, time had gone by fast. "I think that's enough torture for my friends for one day... I gotta go." She grabbed her bag and started walking home, turning around and flashing him a smile. "Bye..." Her friends immediately went to their phones, bombarding her with taxts about what they were talking about. It was a well-known fact in her small circle that she liked Will.

(You're welcome)

((Not technically cannibalism, I think. Well, half-cannibalism... they're both shifters, but different kinds of shifters))
Skye shifted her weight again and glanced away awkwardly, clearly thinking the same as Jayden. So they had both just found out that each other were shifters, but what now? Her gaze was drawn back to the other, white fox when he spoke, breaking the reasonably short silence. She tilted her head slightly, "Is she a fox, too?" So there were two other shifters in the area, she thought to herself. As soon as she asked that question though, a change seemed to come over Jayden when he tensed all of a sudden- as if some terrifying thought had just come to his mind. Skye didn't know how close that was to the truth. "What?" She asked, irritated by his sharp tone. "What are you talking about?" She followed suit, eyes narrowing with confusion and annoyance.

((Yea, I'm a little bit better now, thanks C: ))

((I bet it is XD))

((Oh, and what's happening with Khloe, Zack, Mark, Asher, and Zuri? Are we just leaving them?))

"Oh..." Jayden relaxed instantly at her answer, blowing out a breath that he hadn't realized he'd been holding and answered, "Okay-okay, you have no idea about the war, you need to talk with my Gran, she's a black and silver fox." Now this, in his opinion, was going to be awesome, being that now she had a good reason to come over and 'hang out'. Jay had learned everything he knew about the war from Granny, so there was no reason why Skye couldn't also learn from her. Well, maybe there was, maybe Granny wouldn't be happy that he had met another shifter. But he didn't care, he was too happy, because for one thing, how could Skye turn down his friendship now?! This is so the best day of my life... Jay thought in a slightly sarcastic, very pleased way.

((Ah, good, you sound much better! :D ))

((We're playing them right now, you want to have Asher go to the hospital {at some point! give a little time for surgery!} to see how Khloe is doing? [There is still a possibility that she's going to die... :/ {NOOO!}]))
"I don't have a phone, and don't know your number, so I have no idea." Mark said then shrugged. Yeah, he didn't think to call the hospital yet, with everything that had happened in such a short period of time, he just didn't think of it. "I don't know which hospital she was taken to either." He added after a moment

Zuri listened as they spoke still sitting in the kitchen.When they spoke of not knowing which hospital it was she remembered and said,"It's the Fergens hospital I recognized their ambulance truck."

(Just made up that name :p )

"Fergens is the largest hospital in the area, so that would make sense." Ryan replied, sighing and looking away for a moment, the clock read 4:37. He looked back to them and continued, "I'm going to head over there." He pulled out his wallet from his back pocket, opening it and pulling out a few crisp twenties, "Here, you're probably want to order in, the fridge is full but it's all labor intensive kinda cooking stuff, unless you're in the mood for roasting a duck or something." Ryan smiled and held out the bills for Ari or Mark to take.

((Thanks poult, without Zuri remembering that, they'd be a bit stuck!))
Jesse saw a cabin ahead. She was so tired, she had been walking for two days without stopping, trying to escape her past.

Chase was in his kitchen, feeding the wood burning, cast-iron stove so that the largest oven would be hot enough for cocking up his dinner, which would consist a hardy elk rump-roast with red potatoes and some assorted chopped vegetables in a redwine reduction. He frowned slightly, closing and latched the feed door after placing two logs in, and stood, brushing his hands off on his faded jeans and straightening his green flannel shirt before walking to the back door and out into the fresh evening air to gather wild onions. But as he exited the cabin, his attention snapped instantly to movement off in the shadowy trees.

I bet it's that shifter girl, she must have followed me back here, probably brought a few friends, too. Chase thought, eyes narrowing as he tried to make out the figue now just visible, his right hand resting on the hunting knife strapped to his hip.

((WARNING: I rarely ever write one-liners, and I'm not a fan of them in ganeral, just so you know! :lol:))

((By the way, if you want to know what he looks like and all, his character form is on page 55.))
Jesse saw a cabin ahead. She was so tired, she had been walking for two days without stopping, trying to escape her past.

Chase was in his kitchen, feeding the wood burning, cast-iron stove so that the largest oven would be hot enough for cocking up his dinner, which would consist a hardy elk rump-roast with red potatoes and some assorted chopped vegetables in a redwine reduction. He frowned slightly, closing and latched the feed door after placing two logs in, and stood, brushing his hands off on his faded jeans and straightening his green flannel shirt before walking to the back door and out into the fresh evening air to gather wild onions. But as he exited the cabin, his attention snapped instantly to movement off in the shadowy trees.

I bet it's that shifter girl, she must have followed me back here, probably brought a few friends, too. Chase thought, eyes narrowing as he tried to make out the figue now just visible, his right hand resting on the hunting knife strapped to his hip.

((WARNING: I rarely ever write one-liners, and I'm not a fan of them in ganeral, just so you know! :lol:))

((By the way, if you want to know what he looks like and all, his character form is on page 55.))
Jesse saw the figure in the doorway. She tried to see who it was .. She could tell it was a man . She shivered. I wonder if he's a shapeshifter, She felt his eyes on her. Her hand slowly crept down her side to her knife , just in case. She walked closer staying in the shadows. I wonder,if I should call out something, maybe it is a hunter, I can't go on much further . But it's a man.. can I trust him? She called out , not terribly loud but loud enough to be heard." Hello there" She stepped into the light.

(Ok lol I'll try to make it longer and I'll check out pg 55' did u see Jesse's pic I believe it's like a page or two back )

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