~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

Jesse slowly started waking up. Her head pounded. Then her heart. She sat up quickly,and looked around. It took a few minutes to realize where she was . Chase. Cabin. Woods. Hunter her head raced as she remember. She tried to regain her composer and fix her hair. She rearranged her checkered shirt. She glanced around the cabin. " Chase? " She said softly.

Chase caught her sudden movement out of the corner of his eye as he put the chopped vegetables into the bottom of a cast iron skillet with the roast by the stove, setting the cooking utensils down and turning towards Jesse. "Want some water?" He asked gently, already getting a glass and pouring her some crisp, clear water from the spring on his property, "You collapsed out there, you must not be feeling well." Chase walked over and set the glass of water on the coffee table in front of her, then sat in the armchair, making sure not to make any fast or sudden movements, he didn't want to scare her anymore than she already was.
Jesse slowly started waking up. Her head pounded. Then her heart. She sat up quickly,and looked around. It took a few minutes to realize where she was . Chase. Cabin. Woods. Hunter her head raced as she remember. She tried to regain her composer and fix her hair. She rearranged her checkered shirt. She glanced around the cabin. " Chase? " She said softly.

Chase caught her sudden movement out of the corner of his eye as he put the chopped vegetables into the bottom of a cast iron skillet with the roast by the stove, setting the cooking utensils down and turning towards Jesse. "Want some water?" He asked gently, already getting a glass and pouring her some crisp, clear water from the spring on his property, "You collapsed out there, you must not be feeling well." Chase walked over and set the glass of water on the coffee table in front of her, then sat in the armchair, making sure not to make any fast or sudden movements, he didn't want to scare her anymore than she already was.
"yes thank you, you're very kind" she drank the water. "I've been walking a very long time, guess I was a little worn out. I'm sorry for putting you through all this trouble. " She frowned little. Her face trembled by her lip.be strong you fool what's wrong with you ! "you see I'm running away from my past, there is a lot of hate there I'm sorry I'm so dang nervous and such... I'm not usually like this . I just .." Her voice broke a little. A rear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek.
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"Fergens is the largest hospital in the area, so that would make sense." Ryan replied, sighing and looking away for a moment, the clock read 4:37. He looked back to them and continued, "I'm going to head over there." He pulled out his wallet from his back pocket, opening it and pulling out a few crisp twenties, "Here, you're probably want to order in, the fridge is full but it's all labor intensive kinda cooking stuff, unless you're in the mood for roasting a duck or something." Ryan smiled and held out the bills for Ari or Mark to take.

((Thanks poult, without Zuri remembering that, they'd be a bit stuck!))

Zuri smiled and nodded glad she could help.She looked around the apartment and stood,walking over to a small book shelf, she examined the books.Picking one about astrology she sat back on their couch and opened it up.

(NP! ;) )
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Ari reached over and gently pushed his hand back to him with a smile "I got left here all day, I already had some food cooking."  She said then glanced to Mark then over to Zuri and back to Ryan "Just let us know how she's doing, please. She had cleaned up behind herself as she went, so there wasn't a mess to show for the action, though it still had another half hour to cook before it would be ready.

Zuri looked up from the book and said,"I can help cook and bake."That is one thing I can do.She stood walking to the bookshelf sliding the book back into place then walking over to Ari.
Zuri looked up from the book and said,"I can help cook and bake."That is one thing I can do.She stood walking to the bookshelf sliding the book back into place then walking over to Ari.
Ari turned and smiled at Zuri"Sure, if you want" She said and headed for the kitchen again.
"yes thank you, you're very kind" she drank the water. "I've been walking a very long time, guess I was a little worn out. I'm sorry for putting you through all this trouble. " She frowned little. Her face trembled by her lip.be strong you fool what's wrong with you ! "you see I'm running away from my past, there is a lot of hate there I'm sorry I'm so dang nervous and such... I'm not usually like this . I just .." Her voice broke a little. A rear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek.

Chase nodded slowly as she spoke, wanting to help her in some way, she seemed such the damsel in distress, so scared, but what more could he do but what he was already doing? "You don't need to apologize, everyone needs help at times, it's no trouble at all." He said sincerely a moment after the solitary tear ran down her cheek. "You should eat something, is potato-leek soup alright? It's all I have ready right now." Chase asked as he lifted himself from the armchair, walking back towards the stove where a large copper pot sat, a savory aroma wafting from it's smooth, shimmering contents as he lifted the lid to peer in, setting it quickly back down as steam rose from it.

He always had some sort of soup or stew ready, it lasted for a few days without any problems, the taste becoming richer and deeper over time, and it made it to where there was always something to eat when he got home from a hunt.

((By the way, if you haven't had it before, potato-leek soup is sooo good!))
"yes thank you, you're very kind" she drank the water. "I've been walking a very long time, guess I was a little worn out. I'm sorry for putting you through all this trouble. " She frowned little. Her face trembled by her lip.be strong you fool what's wrong with you ! "you see I'm running away from my past, there is a lot of hate there I'm sorry I'm so dang nervous and such... I'm not usually like this . I just .." Her voice broke a little. A rear escaped her eye and rolled down her cheek.

Chase nodded slowly as she spoke, wanting to help her in some way, she seemed such the damsel in distress, so scared, but what more could he do but what he was already doing? "You don't need to apologize, everyone needs help at times, it's no trouble at all." He said sincerely a moment after the solitary tear ran down her cheek. "You should eat something, is potato-leek soup alright? It's all I have ready right now." Chase asked as he lifted himself from the armchair, walking back towards the stove where a large copper pot sat, a savory aroma wafting from it's smooth, shimmering contents as he lifted the lid to peer in, setting it quickly back down as steam rose from it.

He always had some sort of soup or stew ready, it lasted for a few days without any problems, the taste becoming richer and deeper over time, and it made it to where there was always something to eat when he got home from a hunt.

((By the way, if you haven't had it before, potato-leek soup is sooo good!))
" Sounds delicious" she smiled a little. ok he's left pull yourself together She took several deep breaths and stood up slowly. At first she had been terrified but not anymore, he seemed like a decent guy. Overall now she felt embarrassed. I've cried in front of a total stranger, now I'm eating his food.. ahhh, I can never do anything right. She closer to where he was . "So would you mind telling me a bit about yourself? I mean I know your name is Chase and you are very tolerate of strangers , but I'm in the dark . Of course don't have to tell me anything, " The soup smelled amazing , she didn't realize how hungry she was. "Can I help you with anything?" She felt like an invalid not doing anything.

(No haven't lol)
Ari reached over and gently pushed his hand back to him with a smile "I got left here all day, I already had some food cooking."  She said then glanced to Mark then over to Zuri and back to Ryan "Just let us know how she's doing, please. She had cleaned up behind herself as she went, so there wasn't a mess to show for the action, though it still had another half hour to cook before it would be ready.

Zuri smiled and nodded glad she could help.She looked around the apartment and stood,walking over to a small book shelf, she examined the books.Picking one about astrology she sat back on their couch and opened it up.

(NP! ;) )

Ryan tried not to make eye contact as he felt his cheeks grow slightly warm at her slight touch, and put the bills back in his wallet, sliping it back in his pocket, "Alright then, I'll be off. Bye Zuri, Mark, Ari." He said with the slightest note of apprehension as he turned and walked to the elevator, it slid open as he hit the butten and he stepped in, turning so that he caught a glimps of the apartment and it's ocupence before the doors shut once more.

Ryan leaned against the back wall with a sigh as it descended passed two levels on its way to the main floor, closing his eyes and breathing slowly. He hated hospitals, even more than he hated elevators, if that was possible. When the elevator doors slid back he stepped out quickly into the large communal room, where a few residence were watching a movie on one of the three flat-screens and eat ting popcorn. He walked over to the door that lead to the stairs to the underground parking garage, and after a quick 'hello' to the others there, he went through the door and down the stairs.
((Hold your horses, I haven't even been reading that line of story, so please inform me! Please?... O_O ))
((Here you go :p :
(Accepted. But I'm asking – the heck is going on?)
((Thanks C: What you means?))
(You said don't ask. I assume you meant the gif. But anyway, you said don't ask, so I asked.)
((Ah, that XD))
(So I asked –what about the answer?)
((Hmm, well how do you know there is an answer?))
((There better be))
((Hold your horses, I haven't even thought something up yet!))

Tada! No problem, LTC ^-^))

If Jayden was in his human form at that moment, Skye would have seen his cheeks flush a bright pink under her intent, questioning gaze. He brushed easily anyway, but being 'under pressure' by a girl that he liked, and had just learned was like him made it doubly worse. "Oh, um, well, not a 'miniature world war three', but ah..." Jay stumbled over his words, then in a very un-fox like way, rolled his eyes, "Sorry, I'll try to explain this best I can. There are three sides to the war: there are True, who are shifters that try to protect humans from shifters that want to kill off all of humanity, I'm a True and so is my Gran; then there's Feral, who are shifters that see themselves as better than humans and want to kill them all off; and last of all, there's Hunters, they are non-shifters, humans, that don't know the difference between the good and the bad shifters and kill'em all." He shifted his weight slightly, uncomfortably, wondering how she'd react.

((I know, I don't want her to die either, but we'll just have to see where it goes. BAWHAHA!!!))
Skye blinked, her tail twitching again while she listened without interruption. It was allot to take in, all the information about the shifting groups- especially seeing as she had only just found out she wasn't the only one in the area a minute ago. It wouldn't be lying to say she felt a bit overwhelmed at that moment, though it didn't show through the way she was standing there, head tilted with a contemplative look in her eyes. "So what exactly do you do, being the 'True' group and all?" Skye asked after a long pause. Then sending a brief glance to the bushes, almost as if expecting someone to pop up at any second, "Are there Hunters, or whatever you called them, around here?"

((I don't like the sound of that laugh... -.-))
Zuri said good bye to Ryan then looked in the pantry for anything pastry like to make.She found a pie crust she went to the fridge and found some cherries and while collecting the other ingredients turned on the oven.

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