~*~The Shifting War - RP (Role Play)~*~

Jesse took her bowl." Thank you, and a chipmunk, well that would make things interesting." She tasted the hot soup .it was really good.
"You're a good cook Chase." She smiled hoping he didn't think it was weird that she used his first name.

"Thanks Jesse, it's not often that I have company here, and on the off chance people come out, they're just other Hunters and never stay to eat." Chase replied, which led him into asking, "If you don't mind me asking, how'd you become a hunter?" Simply put, there were really only a few ways to become a Hunter: you could be raised in a family of them, where from a young age you were taught about the war and trained to be a Hunter; you could stumble upon the the information, accidentally or purposefully; or you could have a run-in with a shifter, and either be found and recruited by Hunters or find them yourself.
" my father was a hunter." She paused. " he never taught me anything though. What I learned all came from my friends, not my family. I don't really associate with them. , but then we moved I lost my friends and then I left my family as soon as I could.. And what about you? "She looked up. Brushing her hair behind her ear.
((Hello all, I've never Roleplayed before so this would be my first time, but I love writing so my sister, LoveThatChick, introduced me to this site and told me to check out this RP. So with her help I made a few character forms, hope they are alright!))

Name: Indigo Rivers
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Allegiance: True
Animal: Tawny Owl
Personality: Down to earth, clever, witty, generous and caring, though she can be very insensitive and sarcastic at times. She is always looking for her next adventure, which gets her into a lot of trouble. She tends to take the backseat in major decisions and in a group environment, is loyal to people who she feels deserve it, but can be pretty rude, patronizing and surely to people who she doesn’t like, but because of her trusting nature, she can be gullible at times.
Crush: Open

In-between: Owl eyes, tawny feathers heavily interspersed in hair, large tawny wings that allow her to fly short distances (100 feet or so.) at low altitudes (50 feet.).

History: Born to a Bohemian family in Carlsbad, California, Indigo (Or Indy, to friends) grew up with two older brothers (Sterling and Jasper) and one younger sister (Cyan) in a large home on a hill. When Indigo was sixteen her family picked up house and moved to Vermont, where Indigo signed up for college in the neighboring town two years later.
Username: Machickmo

Name: Cyan Rivers
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Allegiance: True
Animal: Tawny Owl
Personality: Clever, athletic, witty, and bubbly, Cyan is liked by most people. She is very interested in what others have to say and tends to talk a lot when excited, she generally has a lot to say. She tends to forge ahead when others stay behind and take the backseat. Cyan tends to annoy Indigo with her yapping, but Indigo really does care and they get along well, most of the time.
Crush: Open

In-between: Owl eyes, tawny feathers heavily interspersed in hair, large tawny wings that allow her to fly in short distances (100 feet or so.) at low altitudes (50 feet.).

History: Born to a Bohemian family in Carlsbad, California, Cyan grew up with two older brothers (Sterling and Jasper) and one older sister (Indigo) in a large home on a hill. When Cyan was fourteen her family picked up house and moved to Vermont, where she settled into her new life.
Username: Machickmo

Name: Robin Ackart (Not Rob or Robbie, it’s Robin.)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Neutral. He leans True, but isn’t interested in joining the fight at this time.
Animal: Pygmy marmoset (Yes, the dreaded Finger Monkey!)
Personality: Short of a smart-aleck, takes things seriously when it counts but usually is lighthearted and sarcastic. He can be trusting to a fault, but is generally cynical, seeing the bad in others rather than the good until he gets to know them. He tends to keep to himself, and prefers to sit down with a good book than engage in conversation, he’d rather not waste his time. Robin is an amateur photographer and can usually be found (If not with his nose in a obscure book,) with his camera in his hand, lazily snapping photos of random pedestrians.
Crush: Open

In-between: Long arms and legs with monkey hair, monkey like hands and feet and nails turn more claw like, which is great for climbing, huge monkey eyes.

History: He grew up in a strict household in Sunnydale, Vermont, and was raised by his father, his mother having left when Robin was nine. His father re-married and Robin gained a new mother and a stepbrother, Liam, who butts heads with Robin on almost everything, but in his own way means well. It was hard on Robin when his mother left but he doesn’t show it, hiding his pain with an indifferent sneer. He’s always been an avid reader, and as a child loved to climb to the very tops of trees, enjoying the oh-so rude sport of chucking rocks at passerby while hidden in the foliage.
Username: Machickmo
Miana looked at him for a moment. Should she give him a fake name. No because if she had him in one of her classes then he would know that she lied about her name. She had given her real one to the school. "Miana." She crumpled up her napkin tight and then shot it into the garbage a couple yards away.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Thomas."

(If he already said his name, forget his introduction.)

((Hmm, well how do you know there is an answer?))

(Of course there's an answer! If Lewis Carroll figured out the answer to his raven-and-writing-desk riddle, you can figure out the answer to the gif! I HAVE FAITH IN YOU.)

((There better be))
Arwen glanced at her watch. Man, time had gone by fast. "I think that's enough torture for my friends for one day... I gotta go." She grabbed her bag and started walking home, turning around and flashing him a smile. "Bye..." Her friends immediately went to their phones, bombarding her with taxts about what they were talking about. It was a well-known fact in her small circle that she liked Will.

(You're welcome)

((Not technically cannibalism, I think. Well, half-cannibalism... they're both shifters, but different kinds of shifters))

(I suppose it is only half-cannibalism, come to think of it…)

Will grinned and started walking away. When he was out of sight and hearing of Arwen or her friends, he punched the air slightly with a muttered, "Yes!"

((I know, I don't want her to die either, but we'll just have to see where it goes. BAWHAHA!!!))

(Khloe, if she kills you, you might consider haunting her. Just a suggestion.)

Chase nodded slowly as she spoke, wanting to help her in some way, she seemed such the damsel in distress, so scared, but what more could he do but what he was already doing? "You don't need to apologize, everyone needs help at times, it's no trouble at all." He said sincerely a moment after the solitary tear ran down her cheek. "You should eat something, is potato-leek soup alright? It's all I have ready right now." Chase asked as he lifted himself from the armchair, walking back towards the stove where a large copper pot sat, a savory aroma wafting from it's smooth, shimmering contents as he lifted the lid to peer in, setting it quickly back down as steam rose from it.

He always had some sort of soup or stew ready, it lasted for a few days without any problems, the taste becoming richer and deeper over time, and it made it to where there was always something to eat when he got home from a hunt.

((By the way, if you haven't had it before, potato-leek soup is sooo good!))

(Yum…potato-and-leek soup…so very very good. Yummm…)

((Hello all, I've never Roleplayed before so this would be my first time, but I love writing so my sister, LoveThatChick, introduced me to this site and told me to check out this RP. So with her help I made a few character forms, hope they are alright!))

Name: Indigo Rivers
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Allegiance: True
Animal: Tawny Owl
Personality: Down to earth, clever, witty, generous and caring, though she can be very insensitive and sarcastic at times. She is always looking for her next adventure, which gets her into a lot of trouble. She tends to take the backseat in major decisions and in a group environment, is loyal to people who she feels deserve it, but can be pretty rude, patronizing and surely to people who she doesn’t like, but because of her trusting nature, she can be gullible at times.
Crush: Open

In-between: Owl eyes, tawny feathers heavily interspersed in hair, large tawny wings that allow her to fly short distances (100 feet or so.) at low altitudes (50 feet.).

History: Born to a Bohemian family in Carlsbad, California, Indigo (Or Indy, to friends) grew up with two older brothers (Sterling and Jasper) and one younger sister (Cyan) in a large home on a hill. When Indigo was sixteen her family picked up house and moved to Vermont, where Indigo signed up for college in the neighboring town two years later.
Username: Machickmo

Name: Cyan Rivers
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Allegiance: True
Animal: Tawny Owl
Personality: Clever, athletic, witty, and bubbly, Cyan is liked by most people. She is very interested in what others have to say and tends to talk a lot when excited, she generally has a lot to say. She tends to forge ahead when others stay behind and take the backseat. Cyan tends to annoy Indigo with her yapping, but Indigo really does care and they get along well, most of the time.
Crush: Open

In-between: Owl eyes, tawny feathers heavily interspersed in hair, large tawny wings that allow her to fly in short distances (100 feet or so.) at low altitudes (50 feet.).

History: Born to a Bohemian family in Carlsbad, California, Cyan grew up with two older brothers (Sterling and Jasper) and one older sister (Indigo) in a large home on a hill. When Cyan was fourteen her family picked up house and moved to Vermont, where she settled into her new life.
Username: Machickmo

Name: Robin Ackart (Not Rob or Robbie, it’s Robin.)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Allegiance: Neutral. He leans True, but isn’t interested in joining the fight at this time.
Animal: Pygmy marmoset (Yes, the dreaded Finger Monkey!)
Personality: Short of a smart-aleck, takes things seriously when it counts but usually is lighthearted and sarcastic. He can be trusting to a fault, but is generally cynical, seeing the bad in others rather than the good until he gets to know them. He tends to keep to himself, and prefers to sit down with a good book than engage in conversation, he’d rather not waste his time. Robin is an amateur photographer and can usually be found (If not with his nose in a obscure book,) with his camera in his hand, lazily snapping photos of random pedestrians.
Crush: Open

In-between: Long arms and legs with monkey hair, monkey like hands and feet and nails turn more claw like, which is great for climbing, huge monkey eyes.

History: He grew up in a strict household in Sunnydale, Vermont, and was raised by his father, his mother having left when Robin was nine. His father re-married and Robin gained a new mother and a stepbrother, Liam, who butts heads with Robin on almost everything, but in his own way means well. It was hard on Robin when his mother left but he doesn’t show it, hiding his pain with an indifferent sneer. He’s always been an avid reader, and as a child loved to climb to the very tops of trees, enjoying the oh-so rude sport of chucking rocks at passerby while hidden in the foliage.
Username: Machickmo

(LTC's your sister? No firetrucking way!
, by the ways. Glad to have another writer! Oh, and ACCEPTED. {Fear the monkey. FEAR IT! ;) })
"Nice to meet you. I'm Thomas."

(If he already said his name, forget his introduction.)
(lol, ok will.)

She didn't know if it was'nice' to meet him, but sure, whatever. "whats it like at the school? Like is there that type of-" Miana stopped and looked at her phone. Ugh, not another call for saving lame people or animals. She rejected the call and finished her sentence, "-where where there are groups of people. Say, nerds, jocks, punks, goths, you know that type of stuff. Or is it semi-normal?"
(lol, ok will.)

She didn't know if it was'nice' to meet him, but sure, whatever. "whats it like at the school? Like is there that type of-" Miana stopped and looked at her phone. Ugh, not another call for saving lame people or animals. She rejected the call and finished her sentence, "-where where there are groups of people. Say, nerds, jocks, punks, goths, you know that type of stuff. Or is it semi-normal?"

Well, I'm not normal but… "Seems pretty normal to me, but it's what I'm used to, so it is to me."
(Khloe, if she kills you, you might consider haunting her. Just a suggestion.)

((O_O No, no, please don't! Okay-okay, I might not kill you Khole. {Don't listen to Gertrude, she's crazy!}))

(Yum…potato-and-leek soup…so very very good. Yummm…)

((I love potato-and-leek soup, it's one of my favorites!))

(LTC's your sister? No firetrucking way! :welcome , by the ways. Glad to have another writer! Oh, and ACCEPTED. {Fear the monkey. FEAR IT! ;) })

((Yarp, that's my big sis! I'll be training her up on how to RP, and once she gets the hang of it, she will be free to RP how she likes. :p {I told her not to make the monkey, that poor guy won't last long...}))

((Btw Gertrude, do you have any open characters for Machickmo to play with once she post her introductory post? I would but my only open character is Lindsey.))

((MACHICKMO, right now in the RP it's late evening, how about you introduce your characters once we get to the next morning, it will be Friday.))
((O_O No, no, please don't! Okay-okay, I might not kill you Khole. {Don't listen to Gertrude, she's crazy!}))
((I love potato-and-leek soup, it's one of my favorites!))
((Yarp, that's my big sis! I'll be training her up on how to RP, and once she gets the hang of it, she will be free to RP how she likes.
{I told her not to make the monkey, that poor guy won't last long...}))

((Btw Gertrude, do you have any open characters for Machickmo to play with once she post her introductory post? I would but my only open character is Lindsey.))

((MACHICKMO, right now in the RP it's late evening, how about you introduce your characters once we get to the next morning, it will be Friday.))

(Most of my characters are free, don't worry.)

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