The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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Have you tried the aspirin yet for him?
I had some things I wanted to respond to, and the the table top computer crashed... But I want to say that I want a pic of 4 goats and chickens in an element.
Yes I gave him a dose last night. It definitely seemed to help he wasn't walking with his legs thrown out as much. I think that ankle will always be an issue I just didn't want him in pain anymore!
hahaha I've definitely done some crazy stuff for all kinds of animals my whole life. That's what I get for being a rescuer. I was really crazy when I was a reptile rescue center!
Aww I'm so sorry you lost one. That's always sad!

Thank you, and thanks Gigiintheforrest. I think if it had been a natural cause that took her I would feel better, but it was a black snake. At least my payback felt sufficient.
We have had to keep our little ones seperate from our bigger chickens - my reds LOVE to pick on them. We've rigged up a space INSIDE to the coop/run where they can stay together. 2 silkies that have acted as mama hens since day one, 2 dominiques and 2 cochins were in there. I came outside to let the little ones out for the day (they run/play in the coop while the bigger chickens free range in the yard) and this is what I found - swollen from eating my calico cochin, Buttercup. This snake was the icing on the cake for me (yesterday my tire was slashed {knife} in a parking garage at the local childrens hospital) so it recieved the brunt of my anger. Can someone wake me up on Monday? Haha, I'm so over this week!

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