The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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I do! I do!

Maybe Keyt needs one or two?
I made a discovery today: those hawks that have been terriorizing my birds are also the ones making the seagull noises!
I rode my bike out to visit my birds (For those of you who are not familiar with me, i live in an apartment an my birds are housed outside of town at DH's family's property) and on the way i saw a good sized hawk on a utility pole, and heard the noises. After looking around for the gull like an idiot, the light finally went off........... So now i know what the noises were, i can keep an ear out.

Coop news: Yesterday i broke down and wormed my flock. Rooster pooped out a huge 2 inch worm. Bleh, That was enough for me! Couldn't worm the millie du'ccles though, too wild. I ended up having to break up my dough balls and manually force the birds to swallow the meds, Free feeding and bitter apple flavored medicine don't go well together it seems. Next time i am going to try to get the ivermectin pour on.

The brat pack may be on their last legs. :( Tonight i could not get them into their coop again
Nope, stick shift was in college days. But my arm was in a full arm cast - it couldn't turn the wheel - couldn't even tie my shoes or put my hair up. My poor DH is the best. He did everything around here all summer. I think he is as glad as I am that it is off LOL.
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