The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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wake up everyone and come talk or i am gonna need the duck tape ... lol how is everyones day going... mine has been a little busy ..helped sis and BF move chickies around .. still gonna clean the small brooder out for her before today is over and done with ... got another paper done and working on the power point to go with it.. has been a long next to last week of school !!!!!!!!!!!!well was just checking in I will bbl I guess
Hi Silver, Hi MsB, Hi Nova, Hi Rusty and Hi to everyone. My DH's sister just left and we are collapsing now. It's great to have company but then it takes a week to recover - LOL. I went to the grocery store and that's all I'm going to do the rest of the day (except wash and put on sheets). It is Freggiiinnn HOT here again. 105 today and probably through next Friday. I want fall to come in and cool things off. I'm with you, Nova. Gave frozen watermelon to the chicks and turned the misters on full force. You could fry an egg on the cement today...

Honey Boo Boo -- what can I say? I saw part of it the other night and just sat here with my mouth open. It could be set in southeast OK for sure.....

So my DH has put all the animals on Facebook. He's come up with an 'animal think tank' for Sleepy Hollow Farms (his name -- I asked him where he got the "farms" out of 10 acres and he said it was because our land has a road dividing it in two pieces. Go figure - LOL! You gotta remember that he is literally a philosopher - taught that for 38 years plus went all over the world. I, on the other hand, have gotten barely out of OK...oh well.
Ok... here is what I found in my run... sorry the pic is kinda blurry... I forgot to switch the flip for upclose... DUH. LOL. and then was to lazy to go back out and take another one.

Yes... can you believe there is grass growing that they haven't destroyed yet! Think it'll be ok? The grass... not the chickens. HAHAHAHAHAHA
Ok... here is what I found in my run... sorry the pic is kinda blurry... I forgot to switch the flip for upclose... DUH. LOL. and then was to lazy to go back out and take another one.

Yes... can you believe there is grass growing that they haven't destroyed yet! Think it'll be ok? The grass... not the chickens. HAHAHAHAHAHA
LOL! Wouldn't last long with my ladies... Anything green is long gone.
That's why I am amazed it is still there... OK, here comes SPAM time...

OH wait... where the heck are my pictures going when I upload to the page and not to my photo gallery? Cuz, they are not going to my photo gallery.

These two pullets below are GLW/Faverolle... Look at that awesome lacing!

She looks like she's totally bugged out by some offensive thing the rooster may be doing with his behind...

Okay... Enough picture spamming!

Hey swamp.
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