The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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this the same guy who she had moved in with and gave you all sorts of heartache?

As a mother, I would tell my daughter that he is under alot of stress- however, life is full of alot of stress- and if he is treating her bad while under stress or duress she may want to reconsider being with a man (because he IS an adult, even if he isnt acting like one), that treats her poorly when stressed.

That said- I dont believe I would think highly of a man who parties it up while his mother is dying of cancer. I would not say anything to the man about what he is doing or how he is treating your daughter though- because she is also an adult, and she can speak for herself. Its their business. If you say something, they are both just going to get defensive.
Good luck./


the chicks are adorable! YAY!! If you would leave some eggs down, The silkie would go broody....and you could have even more....just sayin..

this the same guy who she had moved in with and gave you all sorts of heartache?

As a mother, I would tell my daughter that he is under alot of stress- however, life is full of alot of stress- and if he is treating her bad while under stress or duress she may want to reconsider being with a man (because he IS an adult, even if he isnt acting like one), that treats her poorly when stressed.

That said- I dont believe I would think highly of a man who parties it up while his mother is dying of cancer. I would not say anything to the man about what he is doing or how he is treating your daughter though- because she is also an adult, and she can speak for herself. Its their business. If you say something, they are both just going to get defensive.
Good luck./


the chicks are adorable! YAY!! If you would leave some eggs down, The silkie would go broody....and you could have even more....just sayin..

No, this is a different bf. He was a good kid but all of a sudden he's gone off the deep end. I know everyone deals with it differently. When my mom was dying and when she died I was a bit...weird. When my dd would go over there his mom would be with a nurse and the bf would act like he's scared...which is normal. My bf and I told her last night she should just tell him she'll always be here as a friend if he needs someone to talk to. I even told him that I've both been the child of someone with cancer and a cancer patient if he ever wanted to talk.
That's the prob mom... If I do, then I have a few other hens that want to sit on them! How in the world did I end up with so many who want to brood! I mean, I have a NH who is broody and she does like the rooster! She normally chases them away from her, so I don't have a clue what the babies are, and they are HER EGGS! Really, they are hers. She went broody one day, laid an egg, then laid an egg the next! So two eggs. I know they are hers because I got two eggs daily like that. Hers and her sisters... I got her sisters both days... Well any way, when she is done, no more chicks till next year.
Keyt, I would give your DD a hug. Tell her you love her, but as long as she continues to date the young man... Though I do understand maybe this is his way of dealing... It is not a healthy way of dealing... Maybe she should resign herself to either 1) ending it, 2) stop whining and making drama in the house for everyone if she stays with him and continues to be treated in such inappropriate ways. After all, she is 19, and he has proven exactly what type of man he is most likely to be. Children deserve better parents than that.. Glad those have not entered the picture yet. When they do, it should be with a MAN who can handle life's difficult moments.
In that vein, I hope his mothers misery is soon over and she is in the arms of peace... Cancer is an evil evil disease. My BIL passed from cancer. He looked a corpse before he was, so sad. 6 months of he'll for my sister.
I WISH she would stop making so much drama here. Yesterday was awful! I understand her panicking about what's going on but it stressed me out!
being scared and partying are quite different> if he is drinking because he is upset, he is no longer capable of reacting properly in case his mother needs him. That goes for all other areas of life. If he cannot handle stress, your kid is in for a wild ride. Good luck.

Life isnt fair, and we all deal with it differently- however, when talking about a life partner- its best to find out how they handle things like lifes downs, before it is actually YOU who needs them. Again, best of luck to her.
Oh no no no he's there with his mom in the hours he can be. It appears she has said she doesn't want her kids in there now in which Montana is now thinking she doesn't have much longer. He's gone in there a few times because she's unconscious but overnight he's doing stupid stuff. He's told my dd that his mom said she's not allowed in the house anymore yet my dd and his mom got along very well. My dd is finding all this stuff out from her bf's sister.
Some people when ill, do not want people to see and remember them that way... And yet... that can feel like rejection to the family... AND then again, a strong person wouldn't let someone drive them away... AND YET AGAIN... At least he's sneaking in to see her...

DD I think, needs to just take a step back. If he needs her shoulder, then she can decided if she want to loan it... But I think she might need to distance herself carefully so he doesn't shift his hurt to anger and blame her in not nice ways...

Good gads, I feel awful today...
I feel awful too. My shunt is just as much of a barometer as a bad knee or anything else. I knew I was going to have problems last night.

I'm still editing photos. I'm a wreck over them! I really need to invest in a speedlight flash. I guess that's going to have to come first before a zoom lens
Maybe there's something in the air...just got home from school with the worst headache. I have an hour commute and driving was miserable today. Yuck! Okay, being negative but part of it is this awful heat. When is it going to break??????
I need prayers. Well, my DD does.
Her BF is acting ways that almost make me want to step in. His mom probably won't be on this earth much longer. She has cancer (not sure what kind) and has been getting worse for the last few weeks. She's now in the hospital and it doesn't look like she will go home again.
I have been in the same shoes as your DD. My DH's mom was diagnosed with cancer when we had only been together for 1 year. She lived for 3 more, ended up being my best friend. We went to FL every year to spend time, DH went several times a year and would stay for months to be with her. (Now that is a stress on a young relationship!) I trusted him in that respect, and i still do. When she died, he also went off the deep end. Endless partying, fighting for no reason, completely opposite of his normal character. I distanced myself, he literally "broke up" with me off and on because i couldn't handle the partying and he couldn't handle my nagging and attempts to help. All in all, he has returned to his former self, but it took at least 7 years, and only happened when i moved halfway across the state to get away from him at one point. I lost a lot of myself in all this. I learned that you can't help them, they have to want to, and nothing your DD will ever say will get past whatever walls he's thrown up. This is something she has to face if she commits to this, it may be a while before he is normal, if ever again. I got lucky, but i know plenty of others who didn't get so lucky and most people don't stop willingly once they go down that road. This oct will mark 15 years of us being together. :) But though we love each other deeply it has never been an easy relationship, it is still a struggle sometimes. Let her know you are there for her, but if she makes that choice she has to realize that the stress that comes from that decision is hers, not yours or her co-workers. Trust me when i say that relationship drama will ruin a work image, even if you only tell your closest buds what's going on. Also, i made a conscious decision and he did also not to have kids during all this, it wouldn't have been fair to them.
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