The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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LOL! Nah, not farm busy, just normal busy. It's too far down my priority list behind ... well, everything. That and I've met most of the usual MI crowd otherwise anyway. You and, interestingly enough, Kim and Robin are the exceptions. Got a lunch date with Kim and Robin though as soon as we can pin down a day. Then you'll be the black sheep. Which will change... absolutely nothing.
I know! Only my hair is brown and I haven't sheared it since my oldest was 1... LOL.

Dwkuska... Don't take offense ok... Olive.. don't run off the only man brave enough to brave us. I mean... RaZ hasn't even attempted to brave this group of ... ladies.
LOL! Nah, not farm busy, just normal busy. It's too far down my priority list behind ... well, everything. That and I've met most of the usual MI crowd otherwise anyway. You and, interestingly enough, Kim and Robin are the exceptions. Got a lunch date with Kim and Robin though as soon as we can pin down a day. Then you'll be the black sheep. Which will change... absolutely nothing.
Ya, cause she needs her sidekicks LOL
I love that you have a Coco Chanel too! Mine is a Silver Laced Wyandotte that is 5 months old and just started laying. Haven't started breeding yet - may or may not! Love this group and all of the crazy chicken people. It's only been since March, and I'm in deep! Seven laying hens now, but 6 new ones in the brooder and 13 more coming in October. Just can't get enough of these lovely creatures!!!
Welcome foxrfarm!

I am alone.... *scratch scratch scratch*.... I am utterly alone.... By the time you read this, I will be dead.... Having jumped... *scratch*... Having plummeted from the Winter River Bridge....

I need to find a new *alone* quote.

It is 2: freaking 30 in the morning... I am awake. Little bill is on... In half an hour little bear will be on. I think it'll be storming by then. I hope we do not lose power again. I wonder if I got paid yet. Lets go blow some money on bad junk food... I am thinking naner splits with peanuts... Hmmmm. I think I will start a chicken for shredding.
I think we could solve th problem by having our own Chickenstock at Olive's house.

Maybe we can even invite her...or not Just let her come home and have a big ole party going on in her yard- we can be like, " Hey Look, it's Olive"


That said, I didnt see the list of topics that we are and are not allowed to talk about here.Okay maybe I did in a pm
But iffen this thread gets as stiff and politically correct as ......ah ha ha, you thought I was going to say it and incriminate myself didnt you?/.......plenty of stiff threads already...

and there are also threads that are mega pages long- for jokes. In fact, being a blonde- I could even get offended at the previous thread-the one directly next to this one...titled Clean Blonde Jokes. Maybe I wanted to read Dirty Blonde Jokes. Betcha there is another forum for that.

Nova, yay for finding and saving the babies!
Are you already using reflectors? Have you tried diffusing your OCF? Two fixes that might work without the cash outlay.

I don't have reflectors or OCF, that's why I said I wanted a speedlight. I am usually an outdoor photographer but I did an indoor shoot for a friend's granddaughter's open house. They had the worst lighting in the building that made most of the shots look choppy. The posed shots look great but not the random ones. Good thing I can handle Photoshop and all my other photography programs well because I've managed to fix all of them so far!
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