The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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I think we could solve th problem by having our own Chickenstock at Olive's house.

Maybe we can even invite her...or not Just let her come home and have a big ole party going on in her yard- we can be like, " Hey Look, it's Olive"


That said, I didnt see the list of topics that we are and are not allowed to talk about here.Okay maybe I did in a pm
But iffen this thread gets as stiff and politically correct as ......ah ha ha, you thought I was going to say it and incriminate myself didnt you?/.......plenty of stiff threads already...

and there are also threads that are mega pages long- for jokes. In fact, being a blonde- I could even get offended at the previous thread-the one directly next to this one...titled Clean Blonde Jokes. Maybe I wanted to read Dirty Blonde Jokes. Betcha there is another forum for that.

Nova, yay for finding and saving the babies!

As long as you don't mention (that place you can buy or sell things) you won't get a warning like I did...more than once!
Back to the dentist I go again. This should be the last day I get fillings and cleanings then I get fitted for partials

Last night I wasn't feeling good so I sent my grouchy-spitting-nails child out to lock everyone up. She didn't lock up the call ducks and Gandalf (the JG roo). I'm trying to hold myself together this morning but it's a good thing she's still sleeping. It's fortunate for her I won't be able to say much when I get home because I'll be all numb LOL

It's only supposed to be a high of 79 today with no rain. Maybe we'll finally get the chance to clean coops. We also have a job at Rusty's soon and maybe get some extra sand to put in our muddy runs. That would be SO nice!!

See ya'll later =)
I am tempted to see how much sod would cost to lay in the run. I think I'd be able to get away with this since my birds free range ALL DAY... Not now of course, but in the spring. Might could get away with it in the winter also, but, figure nah... I'd need the deep shade grass though, since their run will be covered this winter, and I will more than likely leave it that way through out the year.

I gotta call fuzzy and see if she wants to come visit, or if she wants to wait till she's confident of the incubator... LOL.

Keyt, you have fun with that dentist now.
Hi All! It RAINED last night!!! Whoooppeeee! The chicks ran around the run like little cannonballs shot out of their coop looking for worms and other good things the rain brought. Now they are all cackling so loudly that probably the neighbors up the road can hear them. It's cool and nice but I think we are hitting mid 100's here today so their fun will be short lived.

Dwkuska, you can't disappear. Us newbies gotta stick together. The Michigan girls can't have all the fun.

Does anyone know about reseeding a goat pasture? The goaties have eaten it down as goaties do but I'd like to get something growing under the trees so that in the spring we can dothe whole thing again.

Speaking of the goats, Maggie, my pregnant pygmy, still hasn't kidded. She's not eating much and just kind of lying around. It's gotta be close don't you think?
Hi All!  It RAINED last night!!!  Whoooppeeee!  The chicks ran around the run like little cannonballs shot out of their coop looking for worms and other good things the rain brought.  Now they are all cackling so loudly that probably the neighbors up the road can hear them.  It's cool and nice but I think we are hitting mid 100's here today so their fun will be short lived.

Dwkuska, you can't disappear.  Us newbies gotta stick together.  The Michigan girls can't have all the fun.

Does anyone know about reseeding a goat pasture?  The goaties have eaten it down as goaties do but I'd like to get something growing under the trees so that in the spring we can dothe whole thing again. 

Speaking of the goats, Maggie, my pregnant pygmy, still hasn't kidded.  She's not eating much and just kind of lying around.  It's gotta be close don't you think?

If it were me I would pen the goats up and work the ground up and re-seed it with pasture mix. Done that a lot in the past with my pastures.
I am tempted to see how much sod would cost to lay in the run. I think I'd be able to get away with this since my birds free range ALL DAY... Not now of course, but in the spring. Might could get away with it in the winter also, but, figure nah... I'd need the deep shade grass though, since their run will be covered this winter, and I will more than likely leave it that way through out the year.

I gotta call fuzzy and see if she wants to come visit, or if she wants to wait till she's confident of the incubator... LOL.

Keyt, you have fun with that dentist now.

Yeah, fun alright lol. I have had a filling on every one of my teeth in the last 3 weeks. Now I have to wait to do my partial. Gotta love anti-seizure meds ruining teeth and gums.
I think we could solve th problem by having our own Chickenstock at Olive's house.

Maybe we can even invite her...or not Just let her come home and have a big ole party going on in her yard- we can be like, " Hey Look, it's Olive"


That said, I didnt see the list of topics that we are and are not allowed to talk about here.Okay maybe I did in a pm
But iffen this thread gets as stiff and politically correct as ......ah ha ha, you thought I was going to say it and incriminate myself didnt you?/.......plenty of stiff threads already...

and there are also threads that are mega pages long- for jokes. In fact, being a blonde- I could even get offended at the previous thread-the one directly next to this one...titled Clean Blonde Jokes. Maybe I wanted to read Dirty Blonde Jokes. Betcha there is another forum for that.

Nova, yay for finding and saving the babies!

You can't offended by clean blonde jokes, even your nails are always dirty.

I don't have reflectors or OCF, that's why I said I wanted a speedlight. I am usually an outdoor photographer but I did an indoor shoot for a friend's granddaughter's open house. They had the worst lighting in the building that made most of the shots look choppy. The posed shots look great but not the random ones. Good thing I can handle Photoshop and all my other photography programs well because I've managed to fix all of them so far!

Sorry, there should have been an "n" after that "O". You can use reflectors as fill light with natural light photography. In some cases even just a white foam board (couple bucks at Hobby Lobby) can make a big difference. You can also diffuse your On CF as well to help out until you can afford an Off CF. An index card positioned in front of your pop up can work wonders and costs all of a couple cents. HTH!
I am tempted to see how much sod would cost to lay in the run. I think I'd be able to get away with this since my birds free range ALL DAY... Not now of course, but in the spring. Might could get away with it in the winter also, but, figure nah... I'd need the deep shade grass though, since their run will be covered this winter, and I will more than likely leave it that way through out the year.

I gotta call fuzzy and see if she wants to come visit, or if she wants to wait till she's confident of the incubator... LOL.

Keyt, you have fun with that dentist now.

Do they have to go through the run to get into the coop? If they have a separate coop door, just shut the run up and seed it. The grass will grow very quickly and it's much cheaper than sod.
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