The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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Good morning ladies!
BYFM, they send the young man with play clothes right?. LOL, now my parents would probably be considered negligent with all the things we used to do was kids... LOL.
They send him in clothes to play, and he has extras in his bag.
My parents were very protective but there was no harm in getting dirty.
Now they tell you not to let your kids drink out of the hose... I should be dead from all the water I drank from the hose!
I found Roger...
Poor guy!

good morning all !! hows things going ?
Good morning!
All is good!

When I am sick, I sure wish I had somewhere I could drop off my kid!
The lady I babysit for dropped the kids off and exclaimed she felt terrible and was going back to bed.
Her son had a fever yesterday and she stayed home with him.
All well... more money for me! And I do hope she feels better!
Nova sorry about you roo

when i am sick I have no where to drop mine off but at least now they are in school and old enough to find something to do when they get out of school and do understand momma doesnt feel good .
I'm SO excited!! Today is my doc appointment to figure out what's wrong with my fingers. I busted them when I fell off the porch of the big house 4 months ago and they haven't healed much. I know with PsA I heal a lot slower but they should be healed by now!

When I get back Aric leaves to work on the remodel of his mom's house. I'm going to work on the bathroom, rearranging stuff to surprise him. I'm kinda sick of looking at the mess lol. I wish we could move the bathtub from the big house to this one because ours is VERY rusted. But that requires new tile which we can't afford.

Today I am also going to put Honey and Goldie in with the other ducks. I might try the calls but they're kinda mean to anyone but each other. If that doesn't work then I'll try them with the big ducks.
Btw thank you OLIVE!

I took your advice to heart when choosing my outfit, and while psyching myself up to feel "worth" it :)

I was all business, black trousers (appropriately at the 1/2 inch from bottom of shoe heel, as per "in style" instructions) , black dress shoes, long tailored charcoal dress shirt (lean and strong), no jewelry. Very "conservative business" look. I almost wore the suit i have for occasions, but i wasn't sure what everyone else would be wearing, this was my first time at such an event. I could've, there were other suits and this was definitely a business apparel thing!

I have been studiously avoiding my bright green and fushia and whatnot, and have started putting together a black, white and grey "business casual" wardrobe :)

So glad it's working for you.
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