The Society of Crazy Chicken Ladies, A Guy, and a Girl

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Oh, I wish... I can't though, not right now. Its so hard to even think about him going to what you hope is a good home and then they turn around and do something awful. I always said that I would put Babi to sleep before I ever rehomed him. I was terrified that some jerk would make a good impression and then I'd let him go, and they'd not be what I thought... Well, you see where I am going. If you have to put him down, it'll suck, but that would be better than him going someplace that will use him as a baiter...

OLIVE! What size hole cutter did you use? I thought I had a one inch in the garage, but I couldn't find it, so I used a 1/2 in drill bit, the biggest I had... Not big enough... SO, then I took my skil recipricating and cut 1/2 inch x 4 inch rectangles all around the bottom. Works like a dream. I think though that I'd rather not have to do that again, and I need to do another one yet. It was just a pain in the leg to do it the way I did it. Yes, a pain in the leg, because I put my foot in the bucket to hold it still while I drilled, and every time I pulled the drill out, I'd hit my leg with the dang bucket and now I have a bruise. LOL. BUT, once I got it finished, filled it, and set it in the summer coop, the girls checked it out, and OH MY! So nice not to have any feed on the ground!

I also took the rubber dish I used for the pekins that I had earlier this year and just sat the 10 pound feeder in that, and it is also deep enough that I don't have mess. I do however like that the 5 gallon feeder holds 30 pounds of feed! SWEET! AND it has a lid! Thanks for telling me how to do it.

fuzzybutt, I talked to the neighbor about the silkies, he says he'd really like for them all to go to the same home, but now he is thinking he might like to keep some for hatching out new chicks in the spring. AND its 6 hens. There is another black one. 2 are broodie. The 3 whites are also molting, poor things. LOL, the blue is more of a grey, a bit of cookoo (sp) barring in her when you look at her. She is also YOUNG. Her comb is still fairly flat, and she's not laying yet. The whites are at the very least 18 months, and the blacks between 6 months to a year. One is laying, well was laying, but she's broody. The other black is not laying, but she doesn't look that old either. He's going to talk to the wife again and see if maybe they will keep some, because he really doesn't want to give up Seargent. He loves his rooster. LOL. I didn't get a picture of the girl today though. Sorry. Was to darn windy and cold!

ALSO, I have absolute proof that I am hillbilly. The wind is coming out of the north. I have a gap between the tuftex roof and part of the summer coop frame... I have a bunch of tote lids... I stapled the tote lids over the opening to block the wind coming in from there... I am so ghetto. HAHA! I think though, that this cold weather today and overnight tonight has me considering winterizing already. And to think, last month we had unbearable heat... Supposed to drop to the 40's tonight. Man... sucks. NOT TURNING ON THE HEAT!

OH, and the chick I was concerned about seems to have fluffed up a bit. It doesn't however seem to be very hardy though... I will not be surpised if it does not thrive. It is much smaller than its sibling. Both are silkie... This one, well it is very small... Criptoe is very good mama to me... She is also tolerating the older silkie chicks in the coop with her. I did however put a box in there that they can get into, to get away if they need to, that SHE can't get into. They do stay away from her...

Gotta go lock up. Sorry, not doing a spell check on this either.
OH! Fuzzy, I also have a bread machine in the garage. I will have to get it out, and if all the parts are there, and a good washing... been in the garage... chickens in the garage... dust everywhere... you can have it if you want it... I do not make bread. I buy it... LOL. No really, I buy it.
OLIVE! What size hole cutter did you use? I thought I had a one inch in the garage, but I couldn't find it, so I used a 1/2 in drill bit, the biggest I had... Not big enough... SO, then I took my skil recipricating and cut 1/2 inch x 4 inch rectangles all around the bottom. Works like a dream. I think though that I'd rather not have to do that again, and I need to do another one yet. It was just a pain in the leg to do it the way I did it. Yes, a pain in the leg, because I put my foot in the bucket to hold it still while I drilled, and every time I pulled the drill out, I'd hit my leg with the dang bucket and now I have a bruise. LOL. BUT, once I got it finished, filled it, and set it in the summer coop, the girls checked it out, and OH MY! So nice not to have any feed on the ground!

I also took the rubber dish I used for the pekins that I had earlier this year and just sat the 10 pound feeder in that, and it is also deep enough that I don't have mess. I do however like that the 5 gallon feeder holds 30 pounds of feed! SWEET! AND it has a lid! Thanks for telling me how to do it.

1 1/2 inch hole saw. Which you can get as just an attachment to the drill you already have.

The weather certainly has us thinking about winter, too. Can't say I'm happy. Don't suppose we're going to get payback for how spoiled we were last year, do ya?
Highly doubt it not one bit.. We'll get nailed big time... I can pick that up at FFH, so that I will get next week when I go for feed.

The feed is up to 17.49... It was only 16.49 last month. I may have to start going the elevator in Vriesland. They are $2 cheaper yet. I just don't like how fine it is, but with winter coming, I could always wet it with hot water and make a nice mash a few times a day. Keep the corn on the side.

SO, I guess the silkie chicks decided that Criptoe was not to be messed with tonight. OR, they didn't want to leave the garage. They are camped out in there with Skeeter. Skeeter tolerates them also. I set them a nest and put them in it so they know its theirs. They are content and warm enough I hope. Hmmm... I think they'd be warmer in the coop. I guess I can turn on the heat lamp in there that I used for the chuckles...

Also, Fritz the gallino has moved himself out of the CS chicks coop and into to the summer coop with the big chickens. I was quite stunned to see him there. He was all cuddled up to one of the fluffy butted broads and looking at me with the expression of "OH NO! SHE'S GONNA GET ME!" I left him there. At least he won't be terrorizing the fav cockerels and the polish cockerel.
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I have a wonderful pit that desperatly needs a home. Someone dumped him off here last winter and I can not for the life of me figure out why. He is the sweetest boy. Loves people, loves kids, will not hurt cats or other animals, sits when told to. And he is a young dog. He is an excellent dog. I'm afraid if I don't find him a home soon I am going to have to have him put down. He is in my fenced yard where my Border Collie stays. I do NOT believe in keeping a dog on a chain, especially a pit. So until I find him a home my Border Collie has to stay at my friends house because she is a she and I do NOT want pit/bc puppies. Oh, and he is housebroke.
What color is he ? for the right kind of pit i could find money to drive up and get him and then stop by and see everyone .. hub is dying for a pit !!!
Oh... I.... Love.... egg..... noodles.....


Well, I am tired. SO, I am going to go and lay down, and use my touch pad. WHO KNOWS what words will change too... LOL

Supposed to be in the upper 30's tonight. WTH!! That's just crazy... If I didn't know I lived in MI, I know it now.
Oh... I.... Love.... egg..... noodles.....


Well, I am tired. SO, I am going to go and lay down, and use my touch pad. WHO KNOWS what words will change too... LOL

Supposed to be in the upper 30's tonight. WTH!! That's just crazy... If I didn't know I lived in MI, I know it now.
this is the first timei made them accidentally use self rising flour but they were still good !! lol
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