The Story Behind the Name

My username just was honestly on a whim as I joined BYC- my husband and I had started trying to build our place up and everything was from scratch as we cleared and built our own cabin and herds. It was the best way to get across what we did, and that I was a new wife then!

My profile photo is my adopted Red Heeler- I adopted her from the humane society I worked at back in 2012 or so? She's come to be a great little farm dog, a great mouser, and even though she barks like crazy I do love her.
"BantyChooks" is the slang version of "bantam chickens". It's more fun to say. I happen to have a soft spot for bantams—right now I have Buff Chantecler bantams, OEGBs, and some mutt bantams. I have LFs too but they're utility.

My avatar is a drawing of a White Chantecler rooster. I have it as my avatar because it's visually pleasing, contrasted enough to be visible when shrunken down, and it helps train my eye to the ideal.

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