The strangest pasty but question ever


Apr 13, 2020
Hi all. Too much it’s just developed pasty butt. The stores around me are all close so I can’t go out and get Vaseline which apparently run out of. This is going to sound ridiculous (and I’m not trying to offend anyone here nor am I trolling ) but… Has anyone ever tried KY jelly on a baby chick? That’s literally all I have in my cabinets right now that might work but I don’t dare do it without knowing
I generally just clean their bums as necessary. I have read a bit of olive oil can help, but I haven't done it personally. Most pasty butt stops by the end of the first week.
I generally just clean their bums as necessary. I have read a bit of olive oil can help, but I haven't done it personally. Most pasty butt stops by the end of the first week.
It just really developed quickly within two hours. They are bantams and only about three days old. I’ve never had bantams and they are so darn tiny! I’m scared to break them LOL. I pretty much got the vent cleared from what I can tell, they are so small that it’s almost impossible to see
I've read of people using a Q-tip to apply the oil. I do understand working with tiny bantams. Make sure your brooder isn't too warm, sometimes that can lead to pasty butt.
It seems OK. I have a brooder plate and I have an incline so that if they’re too hot they can just move to the side or it’s lift it up a little bit more. Right now only two out of five are showing pasty butt; it’s not severe but it’s just because of the size of them but I’m worried It could be more serious.
I've personally only seen pasty butt in shipped chicks. I assume it's a stressful process, and the lack of food and water up front is a bit hard on some.

We're yours shipped?
I've personally only seen pasty butt in shipped chicks. I assume it's a stressful process, and the lack of food and water up front is a bit hard on some.

We're yours shipped?
Yes, I bought them at tractor supply. A friend of mine works there and texted me when the shipment came in so I brought them home right away. No pasty but when I brought them home two days ago, it just developed today. I’ve started them on probiotic packets and electrolyte packets
From my understanding, the vaseline does 2 things - it provides a moisture barrier to protect the skin from the poop, and it helps soften the poop so that it doesn't dry out & stick - without being toxic if ingested. What else might you have that fits that bill?

If the KY is water-based it would be absorbed into the skin, and not provide much benefit. But it probably wouldn't hurt to try. Alternatives might be olive oil, coconut oil, simple lotions safe for human babies, pure lanolin if you've got it.

Side note - you might consider giving them only wet mash for a day or two, to try to increase their water intake.

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