The strangest thing you have ever eaten

Oh, yeah, I forgot one. This I am NOT proud of and we were tricked into it at my brother's wedding in Norway. The waitress came around with gorgeous "carpaccio" (which is usually rare/raw beef) but they told us afterwards it was WHALE.

It tasted great, I have to admit, but I am completely against whaling, I don't care HOW traditional it is in Norway!
?????? what?

Lutefisk... My immigrant Grandparents favorite Scandinavian dish for Christmas. It's fish (sorta), that is soaked in an ice water & lye bath for a week. Yes, I said lye. Then it's baked, with butter. Modern recipes say "caustic soda". Guess they don't want people to run screaming from the house. It stinks so very bad.
I've had alligator, it's fatty. :| And I accidently swallowed a pearl while feasting on mussels marinara.
shark should not be "weird" to eat. I had macko and blue tip shark. I love to marinade shark in soy sauce then bake it or grill it.

forgot to add that cows are fed cement
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I have pickled beef tongue in the fridge right now, my family is really grossed out with this. And I love any kind of heart fried.

I grew up on the Alaska Highway, we ate alot of wild meat, but I remember the jerky was our favourite. Moose, elk, deer and caribou.
I love buffalo butter! They take the thigh bone and split it down the middle and bake it. Then you smear the bone marrow on toasted bread. Yummmm

I have had rattle snake, haggis, tripe, alligator, emu, and bear. The bear made me vary sick after I found out what I had eaten.
shark should not be "weird" to eat. I had macko and blue tip shark. I love to marinade shark in soy sauce then bake it or grill it.

forgot to add that cows are fed cement

Where did you read that cows were fed cement?! We've never fed ours cement, nor can I imagine why you'd ever do that!!
alligator tail, squirrel dumplings, and chicken fried in face cream (we did NOT know at the was a church social and we picked up the chicken to she announced as we were all washing dishes what her "secret" recipe was!

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