The strangest thing you have ever eaten

Scrapple is ok but i like liver pudding better.. Ive eatten rattle snake, frog legs crawfish , gator, pufferfish, all types of sushi, i like it all....If it smells good eat it I say..
That's a good thing Lacy, trying new things is fun. I would love to try some of the things listed, especially the Southern dishes that have been around for centuries...
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Oh heck! I was hoping for something exotic in scrapple. But after countryboy's post I learned that scrapple is nothing more than a yankee version of what we call boudin down here. It has cornmeal rather than rice that we use. But then that ain't all bad either.
Any one tried durian (the fruit)? I tried to but couldn't make it past the smell.

Here. My wife loves it. She picks it and all sorts of weird fruit from the Asian market. I can't stand the smell. Hate to sound wussy, but man, it burns the inside of my head! Even skunks don't smell that bad!

Did you know you can get durian ice cream???

She also brings home more innocuous things, like star fruit, cactus pear, yucca, and a whole host of things I can't remember the name for.

Did someone say they ate jellyfish? How??​
Come on Speckled, live a little. Try a chittlin or a scrapple or a snail.

I've never tried any of those either but I will if you will. Heck I don't even know what a scrapple and chittlin are.

Chitlin is a nice name for Hog Guts/Intestines. Wash em out with a hose and boil em up. Can also deep fry em. Here in deep south Chitlin Boils used to be common gathering events - I attended many at the Moose Lodge my parents belonged to. I could stomach the fried ones but man those boiled ones still looked just like what they were. And the SMELL while they were preparing them - still haunts me today.
There is a show on TLc about this guy who goes to countries and eats different foods that are weird. i saw a few on youtube. he tried ice cream burgers and alot of other things. Anybody remember the name?

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