The strangest thing you have ever eaten

sadly my mom supports these people. She buys everything from the supermarket. I been on craigslist and looking in the business area for $60,000 I can buy a supermarket. If I had that money I would make it all organic.
Anyone had snapper?


I remember this huge snapping turtle being a danger to the kids living on the rez. This guy was all over the place. The parents got together, decided it was too dangerous, and went to catch it. Next I knew we all "celebrated" by having turtle soup!

Also, re: bugs in food--try soaking your fresh broccoli in salt water. Watch the bugs float out!
16 spoilt chickens, 1 13yo rescue chicken-hound dd
i like broccoli,
i wunder what the bugs think of the ranch dressing i dip it in. sort of a treat before their end
sorry folk, i dont do strange food!
however contrary to the rules of the thread I have eaten flies and bugs when ive left my mouth open on a windy day, especially on horseback.
My DH had some maggots in a bread roll he had half eaten the other day, that wasnt on purpose either.
The worst thing I ever ate accidentally was a cow muzzle salad in France. It was the grey slimey part sliced thinly, and I didn't know what it was until we went to buy a French dictionary afterwards :| We just knew it was something beef-related. I also accidentally ate donkey sausage.

Calf fries are quite the delicacy here on the ranch, but once was enough for me. The guys cook them as soon as they cut them off, out in the pasture :eek:

I love sushi more than anything else. Quail's really good too, and I wish we could get buffalo more easily here.
Here. My wife loves it. She picks it and all sorts of weird fruit from the Asian market. I can't stand the smell. Hate to sound wussy, but man, it burns the inside of my head! Even skunks don't smell that bad!

Did you know you can get durian ice cream???

She also brings home more innocuous things, like star fruit, cactus pear, yucca, and a whole host of things I can't remember the name for.

Did someone say they ate jellyfish? How??

In agree durian does smell the worst, I have actually gotten to like jellyfish.
On my first hunt my Dad let me have the "pleasure" of eating the deer's Heart RAW!He said it would make me stronger.
I didn't know he was joking.He laughed for about 3 years.
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